Pool Build - California Dreaming - 3 Years Closer

Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Pentair's dealer locator feature might be helpful if no one knows anyone specifically.

http://www.pentairpartners.com/dealerlo ... rlist.aspx

Here's one in Ontario, CA.

http://www.poolsupplyunlimited.com/prod ... litouch/43

They seem to be highly rated, even by some TFP members, and I didn't find any complaints from a brief search.


[edit]Pentair's Dealer Locator indicates that they do service, but the web site does not seem to offer service. If they don't do service, they should still be able to advise, or suggest some local service people.[end edit]

Alternatively, you could look for a contractor who specializes in home automation instead of a pool contractor.

Most, or all, home automation contractors will offer swimming pool and spa automation. If they don't do it themselves, they will usually know someone who does.

Beckman Electric does some automation.

CEDIA (The Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) has a finder service.

ConnectHome is a referral service.

Pacific Digital Home in Mission Viejo, CA has some swimming pool automation experience.

http://www.electronichouse.com/article/ ... nto_green/

Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Well after traveling for a few months here and there, I am now planning the winter projects - that is one thing good (or bad) of SoCal - you can work all year long outside.

Up for the next few months - in between Xmas party planning - are the firebowls, fire pit, sunk in grill, landscape and lighting. We will also be laying the pavers in the side courtyard and install the fountain.

I also purchased some Bose outdoor speakers which can be buried 3/4. They sound really nice and each creates a loud 8-10 ft stereo sound zone. I installed a multiroom sound system with the pool area as it's own outdoor zone. I can now can control music around pool area as well; with the amp stored away in the sunken grill area.

The arches at the far end of the pool have been formed, sealed and lathed and we will schedule plaster over the next couple weeks. With the rain coming at least we laid down the waterproofing to protect the wood frame.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

It's been a while since I posted. After a couple months of not doing much, we decided to go full speed with the side courtyard which connects the side of our house to the pool. The first thing required was to build a 160 ft 3 ft high retaining wall. We went with the Belgard Belair wall block which is a stacking block with a chiseled look. We could not be more pleased with the look. One sad note, our smaller dog Bandito was killed at dusk by a coyote. We have had several run-ins with coyotes as have out neighbors.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

The last two weeks we started laying more pavers. I thought the pool deck was bad but this time we laid about 8 circle patterns. After reviewing our options to fill the area between the courtyard and the pool, the wife and I decided to go with our other interests, volleyball and golf. We decided to put in a smaller volleyball court and a putting green. It's seems the home is now a resort !! :wink:

We went with artificial grass for both; the volleyball court (105 oz turf) and the putting green (76 oz). Sorry if I am off track as this is not about the pool but the surrounding hardscape.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Based on the fine advice from several TFP members after I posted my courtyard design, we decided to divide the courtyard into two elevations. The lower elevation being the entry and principal deck and the other being a raised patio for seating and a raised waterfall area. This definitely breaks up the visuals very well and gives the courtyard a more elegant look, or so I believe. I'll post pictures shortly.
All the best and thanks.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Funny - I was just thinking today 'where is spillmar'?

So sorry about your dog - that's rough; especially for the kids I bet.

Post everything you're doing - it's all pool related in some way ;)

How has the water managment been? No issues there?

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Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Here is a look at one of the stretches of retaining wall now adornign the property. The plusher artificial grass which will be used as an outdoor volleyball court will be installed adjacent to this wall and run 60 ft. The putting green and sand trap will be on the adjacent far side to the left of the pool with an elevation lower than the deck.


  • photo retaining wall.JPG
    photo retaining wall.JPG
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Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Thanks carl

The girls (4 and 8) took the loss of the dog hard at first; but kids are really tougher and smarter than we presume.
We first told our girls that the little poor thing ran away; the next day we then told our girs that they should not go out at night because folks saw a coyote roaming around, obviously to protect them from an errant attack (note several people have been attacked by coyotes here in SoCal over the years).
To my surprise, our eldest said "Mom, Dad, I hate to break it to you this way, but if there is a coyote roaming around, I am pretty sure that it was the Coyote that got Bandito, and that he did not run away."
As I said, smarter than we think.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming - Still Dreaming......

Spillmar, wow that does go to show you (us parents)!

For the turf, what kind of infill will you be using? I ask because at my last place we put in about 300 sq feet of Easyturf and they use black rubber. While we loved the product, it could get hot in the summer peak sun hours that it was exposed to. We heard that sand wouldn't get as hot but we liked the cushioning the rubber provide for the kids playing and we just got used to wearing shoes if we were out there and it was too hot.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming - Still Dreaming......

Since it will be close to the pool, I heard rubber pellets are not ideal and would ultimately make their way to the pool and filter.

We are going with white play sand that tends to absorb moisture at night and provides some colling throughout the day (so I am told).

The turf we got is called Next Generation Premium or Supremo or something like that. Very lush which provides some cushion; regardless, any 40 year old diving for a spike is asking for trouble, rubber or no rubber. : :)
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming - Still Dreaming......

When we lose pets, I am always the most torn up out of anyone. My kids are sad, but take it in that blunt way kids do sometimes.

Last year when I had to put my cat down my youngest went with me to the vet and took care of me like I should have been taking care of her. I was a complete blubbermonster and she was busy wiping my tears and telling me that it would be ok.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming - Still Dreaming......

How close will it be to the pool? I imagine any kind of fill may make it to the pool though if it's close. At first our fill sprayed around but over time it settled and I was only sweeping it up if I fluffed the turf. It never went. Ore than a few feet past the edges though. I'd heard that about the sand moisture wise which I think is a big factor for how hot the turf can get. The only real negative that I am aware of is that sand can wash out more easily if you have any kind of sloping which I don't think you do.

How's your drainage setup? You'll want plenty of drains under the turf - I forget what the recommended sq footage per drain was.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming - Still Dreaming......

According to the licensed installer with 6 inches of class 2 rock base and 3 inches of DG well compacted and sloped toward side drains we are good. There is a 1/8" slope over the whole court toward side drains that go to a basin that then runs to the street. (Note to the wise - I just rough graded the area but will not install the grass myself. They say it is as easy installing carpet - no good at that either. :pale:

The volleyball area is about 6 feet from pool deck but about 6 inches lower so there should be no real runover there. We do expect to replenish the sand fill every season since it will have heavy use; with the cost of play sand so low versus other fills we still come out ahead, plus the cooling benefit.

Sorry Lershac to hear of your heartbreak with your pet. I think I may have also taken it worse than the kids. What really was hard to handle for us was when Wanda our talking yellow headed amazon flew away around new years three years ago and has never been seen again. She was a sweetheart and actually was like our first child. We bought her in NYC cowering in a corner having been abused by larger birds at the aviary.

Wanda kept the wifey company for about 4 years while I traveled as a mean ole Wall-Streeter before our first child was born. We still miss her till this day and get sad when we see other parrots. I remember fondly once when Wanda bit the mother-in-law in the finger and then mocked her by laughing at her "ha, ha" for the whole week she was visiting. Priceless.

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