Plumbing, pressure, and leak problem

Dec 15, 2009
Hey all, ok this is a long one but am really perplexed what is going on with my pool, hoping someone here may have a suggestion where to begin to address it...or if I should bite the bullet and call in a pro.

Recently I have noticed that there is something odd going on with the pressure in the pool pump. If I turn off the pump most of the water somehow drains out of it and if I take the lid off it comes off with a big pop as a lot of pressure is released. Odd. When I turn it on its lost prime but will get it back after a short time.

Also, when the pool turns off it send a big shot of either water or pressure into the pool knocking up and off a skimmer lid and sending some water out of the pool.

Next odd thing is that occasionally there are air bubbles going in to the pool (water is in the skimmer). If I do a quick backwash, even though pressure looks ok, it goes back to normal. No bubbles. I should also add that when I go to backwash it loses prime as described above. Once backwashed and switched back to 'filter' it does not lose prime.
Lastly, I noticed yesterday water level was getting low. Mildly surprised but not alarmed, I went ahead and topped it off last night to get it halfway up the skimmers. This morning I get up and see water level is a couple inches below the skimmers. Uh oh. (pool was not running, but equipment is lower than the pool so it can drain by gravity). I go check the equipment and pool water is running out the backwash hose. I close the valve to the backwash valve and that stopped it, but assuming this means the spider gasket is shot...which I just replaced last summer.
Anyway, I know that's a lot. How much of this seems related? Any suggestions what should do from here? I'll put in a new spider gasket but not sure what to do from there. Any other parts I should replace in the multivalve? Or just replace the entire multivalve? Appreciate any help
Fix the spider valve and see how things behave. The equipment draining when off means you have an air leak allowing air to get in and depressurize the equipment. The spider gasket may be causing a lot of your problems. Or it may not.
Well shoot. I fixed the spider gasket and it actually seemed to help but didnt eliminate my problems. Water still flows out the backwash hose, albeit much more slowly, and the system still has difficulty priming and air still gets in the system. The handle feels a little loose on the multiport. Should I replace the spring? The entire multiport? Anything else I should check? Thanks for any help.
Installing a new MPV should fix it.

You have to examine the MPV and see if it is the gasket or a crack allowing water to flow out the backwash. Either you figure out the problem ore replace it.
ok, thanks. I need to change the sand anyway, so since I need to take it off I may as well just change out the whole valve. Cheaper than a service call to let a pro figure it out, I suppose!
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