Please help me get from "almost clear" to "crystal clear" pool water


Jun 27, 2022
Middleton, Idaho
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)
Hello TFP community! It's been one year since becoming a pool owner and joining TFP. I have learned so much but still have a ways to go, especially in the confidence dept. We started the year with a pump that died and the SWG also went out - they were both 10yrs old. All have been replaced and are fully functioning. I am currently struggling with the inability to get my pool crystal clear - I've seen the pictures you all have posted and know it's possible, I just can't get there. Also fighting high TA and PH drift - I worked at it all year last year and never got the TA below 120ppm (we are on well water). I use the Taylor K-2005 and got the FASDAP for testing chlorine, and the K-1766 for salt. Here are my numbers this morning:
FC -11
CC - 0
PH - 7.8
TA - 150
CH - 140
CYA - 80
Salt - 3600 (I think is too high)
Water temp - 83*
SWG is set at 40%. Haven't found the sweet spot to maintain FC at 8-9 with regular usage.
The pump runs for 12-14hrs/day
Last week the pool was almost crystal clear (that sparkly clear) but still not there. We had a pool party on Saturday with lot's of swimmers and for the past 2 days the water has looked dull - not cloudy, but definitely not clear. What am I missing? Am I wrong that my numbers look OK? I know I need to drop the PH some and will continue to try and get the TA down but it's a constant battle. I primarily use muriatic acid, cyanuric acid, pool salt and occasionally liquid chlorine. I've never used any other chemicals since owning the pool. I'd appreciate any and all suggestions to get my pool crystal clear with healthy chemical balance. Thank you!
I'm not seeing any red flags with your numbers. It may just be a filtration issue and the sand needs more time or perhaps adding a little DE to help it filter the finer particles a bit.

Otherwise, you may wish to consider doing an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test just to be safe.
I'm not seeing any red flags with your numbers. It may just be a filtration issue and the sand needs more time or perhaps adding a little DE to help it filter the finer particles a bit.

Otherwise, you may wish to consider doing an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test just to be safe.
Thank you for the suggestion! Is the DE added on top of the sand? Is there a formula or ratio for how much to add? I'm assuming food grade DE is acceptable, there's not a special pool grade DE? I do have a dirt lot next to us and we have been very windy/breezy all season. I brush and vacuum almost daily but I could see where fine dirt could be the culprit. Will the DE grab that? Thanks again!
Is the DE added on top of the sand? Is there a formula or ratio for how much to add?
Here's the article that helps explain it. No food grade though. Let us know if you have any problems. Dirt? ...... perhaps. Hopefully that's all it is.

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