Plaster vs Pebble

Jul 8, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I live in Northern California and looking to rebuild/resurface an old in ground pool. The surface is currently white plaster and we're considering a colored Pebble Tek. I need information from someone other than the salesman. Does Pebble Tek last longer? If we get colored Pebble Tek, can we raise the temp of the (non-heated) pool? Is the Pebble Tek more conducive to algae growth since its not smooth? Do the pebbles (and beads) come loose?

And on that subject, what about the even more expensive Pebble Sheen? How does it hold up over time?

Thank you!
I live in Northern California and looking to rebuild/resurface an old in ground pool. The surface is currently white plaster and we're considering a colored Pebble Tek. I need information from someone other than the salesman. Does Pebble Tek last longer?

Sometimes it does and sometimes it does not. Lots of reasons plaster pools, and Pebble pools are a plaster pool with pebbles added, need to be resurfaced.

I think either type of pool if properly maintained will last around the same time. The key is properly maintained.

If we get colored Pebble Tek, can we raise the temp of the (non-heated) pool?

It will be the same temperature as the same colored plaster pool.

Is the Pebble Tek more conducive to algae growth since its not smooth?

Maintaining the proper FC/CYA ratio will keep both types algae free. See FC/CYA Levels

Do the pebbles (and beads) come loose?

Yes. @PoolBrews is dealing with that now with his pool cleaner picking up pebbles.

And on that subject, what about the even more expensive Pebble Sheen? How does it hold up over time?

Same story.

Have you been in a pebble pool to see how rough it is to your feet? I personally do not like it and prefer a smooth quartz finish.
We have Wet Edge exposed aggregate finish, basically same as Pebbletech and while walking on it is fine, if you scrape your foot or hand on it by accident, it will leave a mark, which is kind of inevitable with kids. Funny thing is that Wet Edge has a version where the pebbles are ground down to a smooth finish, so you get the look without the roughness, but my wife was very adamant that she wanted the pebbles exposed. She already brushed against the finish few times, but it's too little too late.
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