Plaster has started bubbling and chipping


Apr 30, 2020
I am new here, but recently started taking care of my pool with the TFP method, and its going amazing! My chemicals have been balanced and i honestly love doing it.
I recently emptied my pool and refilled it, it had been about 5 years so it was time for fresh water. This was about a month ago. Everything went well, drained in a matter of about 6 hours and promptly filled it immediately, which took about 30 hours with a garden hose. This was about a month ago and everything has been fine since. I just last night noticed on the first step of the pool a chip in the plaster. I thought maybe something fell in the pool, but i didn't see any debris, plus we have a gate, so i wasn't sure how it happened. This morning i checked and there was one more tiny chip and what appeared to be a "bubble" in the plaster. I tapped on it and that chipped as well... Could this have to do with the fact that i recently emptied it? I was doing research, looks like i can by a repair kit to fix the plaster, even doing it under water. Just curious if anyone know why this is happening. It worries me that 2 more showed up over night. FYI, the pool was renovated 5 years ago, including new plaster. So far, I only notice these chips on the first step of the pool.


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Welcome to TFP.

I would try sanding the chipped area with 80 grit wet&dry sandpaper and smoothing it out. I think any patch will not match the existing color and look worse.

@onBalance thoughts on the reason and fix for these chips?
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Interesting. Through some research this morning, my guess is that is would be spalling. I did pick up some Leslie's Patch It, but haven't used it yet. I could try the sandpaper method first I guess. It does seem to be very shallow and probably just cosmetic, the breakage is barely maybe 1/8" or 1/16". So far it's not spreading anymore, and it's still only on the first step.
You are correct, it is spalling (flaking) of plaster.
As Allen stated, sanding would be the best fix. Patching such as thin spot is difficult to get right, but it can work.

I recently emptied my pool and refilled it, it had been about 5 years so it was time for fresh water.
I don't mean to call you out about this statement.. but I am... ;) Do you drain and refill your pool just for fresh water? It really isn't necessary if the chemistry is maintained properly. Your pool gets fresh water from seasonal rains (depending on where you are in AZ) or from refilling what has evaporated. Just sayin'
I only recently started maintaining the chemistry of the pool, someone else has been doing it the last few years. When I took it over a couple months ago, the chemicals were way out of balance and the total dissolved solids were very high. I deemed refilling the better/easier/cheaper solution, since I just took over maintenance I'd rather start fresh so I know where it's at and have confidence in the chemistry. Definitely didn't just fill it because it sounded like fun... ;)
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