Planter Ideas, Landscape bark blew into pool


Silver Supporter
Mar 22, 2015
Las Vegas NV
Well, the landscape bark sure did look good until the wind blew it all into the pool and all over my decking. Thinking of doing "chunky" decorative rock but thought I'd check here and see if anyone had other ideas for a covering that won't blow into the pool.

It might seem like overkill for a small planter like that but you could add landscaping fabric to the base before rocks. It's great for keeping the weeds from growing in the base.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006
Cut down your pine trees and deciduous trees! Just kidding of course. We don't have any pine or deciduous trees around our pool so leaves are minimal for us. There is a huge sycamore about three doors down that we get some from. We mainly deal with palm fruit berries so I don't have any tips other than we did finally break down and buy the quietest leaf blower we could find.
Cut down your pine trees and deciduous trees! Just kidding of course. We don't have any pine or deciduous trees around our pool so leaves are minimal for us. There is a huge sycamore about three doors down that we get some from. We mainly deal with palm fruit berries so I don't have any tips other than we did finally break down and buy the quietest leaf blower we could find.

On OUR side of the fence, we have palms. On THEIR side of the fence they have massive deciduous trees and some pretty tall pines. Although we have had a fleeting consideration of a night chainsaw party, the owner of the trees is the County District Attorney and we've decided to forgo the night vandalism in lieu of whatever other remedy might work......:jocolor:
There are two annoying mesquite trees on the property line with my neighbor. One is between our walls the other is on his property. Both send plenty of litter into my yard and my pool. I was having tree work done in my front where there are a line of old mulberry trees as well as a huge mesquite in my backyard and I asked my neighbor if the guys doing the work could trim back those two mesquites. He was very happy to oblige as it cut down the debris in his yard and helped me too. The tree guys were at my house either way, so it was a win-win.

Talk to your DA neighbor; he may be willing to make a deal with you. Ya never know...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006

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Well, At least I know I'm in good company.

My east neighbor has a Eucalyptus that overhangs the fence. (Basically, ALL of his leaves end up in my yard, hence, my pool.)
My south neighbor has fir trees, one of which has beetle blight and is basically dead, but he refuses to cut them down.
My West neighbor has palms, which, "share" their miserableness with everyone in the neighborhood. I filled a 5 gallon bucket with palm seeds the other day just from my car port on that side of the house.

My yard? No trees. But I get everyone elses mess.

Funny though - I actually thought the same as ewKearns - I can see the headline now but I'm not sure how far I would get with a plug-in chainsaw. That might be a short chase for the PD :)

On top of that, between me and my south neighbor is an alley - that's dirt / stone, not paved. So, everytime the garbage truck, or some other random car drives down (usualy the junkers looking for stuff on sundays) I get a huge dust cloud that goes up, over the fence, and in the pool. All these little things you don't notice when your looking at the house before you move in!

The eucalytpus is the worst since it has itty bitty little leaves that blow all over the place.

The pine needles are second - but I have a rock ring around the outside of the pool patio, so I take a propane weed torch and burn those up once a month.

AS for the OP - I 2nd the recommendation for river rock, or even the red rock you can usually get at lowes or HD. But also, agree that you should put a weed barrier down just in case.

I have found for mulch, I just spend a couple extra bucks and buy the rubber stuff. It floats! I just scrape it out of the skimmer and plop it back in the garden :)
Builder put two of these in ours with shrubs in each. We pulled them after a couple weeks! Can't decide on glass rocks fire pits or silk palm w glass rock base... leaning toward the fire pits (less maintenance)


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Look for recycled tire mulch. It is common place in school playgrounds, parks, etc. It looks similar to wood mulch and is too heavy to blow around short of a tornado. I prefer black/dark mulch and the tire mulch won't fade like standard mulch and it never breaks down and needs replacement.
Well, the landscape bark sure did look good until the wind blew it all into the pool and all over my decking. Thinking of doing "chunky" decorative rock but thought I'd check here and see if anyone had other ideas for a covering that won't blow into the pool.


What kind of Palm Trees are those? They look really close to the edge. I also suggest river rock. We have planters with them in it but no plants just another bigger rock.
Have not personally used it, but rubber mulch matting comes to mind.

What I have used is that water polished flat round black rock. It's not cheap, but the wind won't blow it, it will let water pass through and with landscape fabric underneath it, you won't get any weeds taking root. Anything that does will come out easily.


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