PH test starts off at 7.4 then continually rises to well above 8


Jun 10, 2023
Ontario Canada
Hey everyone,

I opened the pool this year to deep green water as i just installed a safety cover for the new little one at our place.

Balanced PH and Alkalinity to 7.4 and 100 ppm then i did a triple shock with Cal Hypo. The pool is now blue but very cloudy.

Today I went to check my levels and my alkalinity is still around 100ppm and my PH was at 8.2. I added in some sodium bisulphate to lower the PH and the next test had it at 7.4 but then I noticed that the colour gradually increased to well above 8. this took about 20 seconds in total after adding the test drops. I have also added some clarifier to help get rid of the cloudiness.

Does anyone know why it would do that?

if you need anymore info from me just let me know and thanks in advance for the help.
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PH testing and alkalinity testing are both affected by high chlorine levels. It’s best not to fool with adjusting them while the chlorine is at SLAM level.

Cloudiness comes from the cal hypo