pH constantly rising


Aug 20, 2015
Southeastern PA
Hi Everyone,

I am in a constant battle with high pH (everything else going well). I lower with muriatic acid to 7.4-7.5 on nearly a daily basis and next day it's up a point or two. No one has been in the pool yet this season (water is still too cold...) and there is no aeration.

I've read many old posts and it seemes like the common theme was keep the TA low and let the pH drift into it's natural range. Also, make sure the CSI stays near zero. (I'm a good student!) The concern I have with higher pH is chlorine effectiveness. Per the chart, chlorine loses much of it's effectiveness at higher pH levels, so I'm trying to keep it low.


FC - 5.2
CC - 0
pH - 7.8-7.9
TA - 69
CH - 260
CYA - 35
Borates - none

Appreciate your thoughts and recommendations as always.
I am curious - what chart shows that at higher pH your chlorine becomes ineffective? I have not read that on this forum or in Pool School.

Take care.
I am curious - what chart shows that at higher pH your chlorine becomes ineffective? I have not read that on this forum or in Pool School.

Take care.

There is an effect on FC with pH. But with CYA it appears from the charts it is highly muted. But there is an effect.

Good info --
Richard, my thought exactly. So I was targeting 7.2 (even 7.0) and found that it wasn't making much of a difference, meaning the daily jumps were even higher than the 1-2 points. It seems determined to go higher!!! :( So one of the old threads (I think from chem geek or Jason) said target 7.5 instead. I'm just trying to find a happy medium and curious if there is something I'm missing in my analysis.
I have the same issue, DIY, and have just gotten used to adding acid once a week to knock the ph back down to 7.2ish. Within about a weeks time, I'm back up to 7.8, however, I have a spillover spa that does its thing when the pump is on.

My TA is 80 by the way.

Good luck!
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