Perfect pool, but phosphates were high - no one using currently, should I bother reducing?

I don't go unless I need something I can't find elsewhere cheaper
Sometimes I want to match up an O-ring and I don't care it's $3 more. Or a similar few bucks keeps me from having to go across town to Walmart for salt. There's no Wal-Martians at the pool store, AND its much closer.

When my cheapo pole broke, I went and told them I wanted one of the ones their service people use. It was a $100 aluminum pole (probably $200 now) but it's 9 years old and going strong.

You can get great deals on equipment if the right rebates are going on, and you'll have local service if it has problems.

They're not inherently evil. Its just that their testing is rubbish and they don't even know what they don't even know about chemistry.
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Not sure why everyone here claims pool stores are not accurate. I went because of memorial day sale and got mine tested. It's very similar to the numbers I get. It's easier to test in my house though.
Not sure why everyone here claims pool stores are not accurate. I went because of memorial day sale and got mine tested. It's very similar to the numbers I get. It's easier to test in my house though.
Browse some threads & you will see why it isn't accurate.
Not sure why everyone here claims pool stores are not accurate
*They* claim it. I only see all their claims. Over and over and over and over. Stick around and browse, you'll see it too.

The funny thing, is that with most tests we see, they get 80% of it close enough. But it's always a different value that's off. Today it's CYA and tomorrow it's CH. (Etc etc). It calls all of the testing into question because we don't know which ones are close enough today. In the case of the post I linked, we would have had him drain half his pool if we listened to the pool store test. That's a pretty big oops.
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