Hey All- New build owner here. Got the pool running last week, and the team setup a Pentair High Power Wireless kit (one transmitter at the Intellicenter, one base transmitter at my router) so we can use the Screenlogic app.
Since installing that device, I've seen it use nearly 4GB of data per day, with real time usage anywhere from 5-20Mbps download at any given time. Is this normal? It seems to be clogging my local network- before installing the Pentair wireless kit I had zero issues on Zoom/Teams calls, and YoutubeTV operated fine. Since then I've had poor call quality, and my tv streams keep buffering. Any thoughts or recommendations?
Since installing that device, I've seen it use nearly 4GB of data per day, with real time usage anywhere from 5-20Mbps download at any given time. Is this normal? It seems to be clogging my local network- before installing the Pentair wireless kit I had zero issues on Zoom/Teams calls, and YoutubeTV operated fine. Since then I've had poor call quality, and my tv streams keep buffering. Any thoughts or recommendations?