Pentair Wireless Kit wifi usage issues


New member
Oct 11, 2023
Phoenix, AZ
Hey All- New build owner here. Got the pool running last week, and the team setup a Pentair High Power Wireless kit (one transmitter at the Intellicenter, one base transmitter at my router) so we can use the Screenlogic app.

Since installing that device, I've seen it use nearly 4GB of data per day, with real time usage anywhere from 5-20Mbps download at any given time. Is this normal? It seems to be clogging my local network- before installing the Pentair wireless kit I had zero issues on Zoom/Teams calls, and YoutubeTV operated fine. Since then I've had poor call quality, and my tv streams keep buffering. Any thoughts or recommendations?
Welcome to TFP.

The IntelliCenter uses the IntelliCenter2 app and not the Screenlogic app.

Screenlogic is used by the EasyTouch system.

Please confirm what system and components we are discussing.
Hey All- New build owner here. Got the pool running last week, and the team setup a Pentair High Power Wireless kit (one transmitter at the Intellicenter, one base transmitter at my router) so we can use the Screenlogic app.

App = Pentair Screenlogic Connect
OCP = Pentair Easytouch

It is disappointing that your builder installed an obsolete control system in a new pool.

Pentair is discontinuing the IntelliTouch, EasyTouch, and EasyTouch PL4/PSL4 Pool Control Systems. These products will no longer be available to order starting:
  • July 31, 2023 for all IntelliTouch Systems
  • September 29, 2023 for all EasyTouch Systems
the team setup a Pentair High Power Wireless kit (one transmitter at the Intellicenter, one base transmitter at my router) so we can use the Screenlogic app.

Since installing that device, I've seen it use nearly 4GB of data per day, with real time usage anywhere from 5-20Mbps download at any given time. Is this normal?

No. Over the last two days, the average traffic rate between my router and Pentair wireless link is like 3 bytes/second from the router to the link and 1KB/second from the link to the router.

It seems to be clogging my local network- before installing the Pentair wireless kit I had zero issues on Zoom/Teams calls, and YoutubeTV operated fine. Since then I've had poor call quality, and my tv streams keep buffering. Any thoughts or recommendations?

The indoor transceiver is connected to your router with an Ethernet cable, not over Wi-Fi. So even if it were consuming a constant 20Mbps of your bandwidth, that would only be 20Mbps out of the 1Gbps your router probably supports, which is only 2% -- not enough to cause throughput problems.

The wireless connection between the indoor transceiver and the outdoor transceiver is also not Wi-Fi, and it isn't even on radio frequencies near the Wi-Fi bands. So that wireless traffic doesn't consume any of your network's Wi-Fi bandwidth, and the transceivers don't directly/intentionally interfere with your Wi-Fi devices.

So this isn't just a case of a rogue Wi-Fi device using all your bandwidth.

Some questions:

1. Does the wireless link work? Can you successfully control your pool and see its status using Screenlogic?

2. How close is the indoor transceiver to your router (and/or other network equipment) and to the computer that you're having quality/buffering issues with? Do things improve when you unroll the transceiver's cable and move it as far as possible from all of that equipment?
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