Pentair Intelliflo 4 160 Alarm goes off and I cannot get it to work

Jun 7, 2013
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
The pump had been leaking for a couple of years and I finally decided to replace it. I found the motor on amazon and so I ordered a new motor and seal plate. I kept the wet side and control panel from the original. After watching some videos I replaced the motor. Seemed like it went well, but it won't work. When it starts up it will run for a few minutes then the "alarm" button lights up and it stops. After a few minutes it restarts and the same thing happens. Any ideas of how to troubleshoot this? I have looked up the alarm codes and it doesn't help. I see the light flashing three times, but that is not even an option for the codes in the manual. Any help would be appreciated.


Video Link from my google drive
Did you buy the seal plate with the seal installed? I am no expert, but have seen reports of bad results after a rebuild where the problem turned out to be the seal installed backward. The motor overheats.
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