Parts for solar


Gold Supporter
May 28, 2008
Pleasanton, CA
Last time I searched for this part online I got nowhere and had to have it shipped from solar installers.

It is an end cap for the piping that connects panels. It's a one way valve and they leak after a while (air in to allow water to drain out of solar after system shuts down.

Can someone please direct me?

OK I will!

While I'm plugged in to you:

What do I call this (attached to faucet I can open and drain). Diablo Solar Co did not put one at the other end of system -- I think because it would have come down over a window and planting bed, but I would like to set it up there. I'm getting tired of taking the end cap off and on twice per year![attachment=0:y5xln9ir]IMG_1999.jpg[/attachment:y5xln9ir]
>>are fed by the low point<<

Unclear- must mean they completely dry themselves and no risk of residual water in system that freezes? One day when I need new panels (mine have 12 yr warranty) I need to know more about your type of system.

So I take off a vacuum release valve at one end, and then I open this drain port at the other end, when season ends.

When the solar is off you hear the rush of water off the roof. When I shut down, the water that comes out, I believe, is what is in the dependent pipes (lowest pipes.
Never measured it - but a few gallows I guess.
When solar is installed on the roof, the water source pipe will usually feed the solar panels at it's lowest elevation point. The return is at the opposited end of the panels at the highest point. The vacuum release can go pretty much anywhere but is usually installed near the highest point of the panels. This ensures that the panels fill and prime properly.

Also, when the pump is shut off the panels will completely drain beacuse ther are no high spots whwere water can collect. There is always a little residual water let in the pipes and panels but not enough to matter if water freezes. Water freezing will only cause damage if there is enough of it to expand and break the piping/panels.

If a panel or pipe is installed with a local high spot, not all of the water may drain. In these cases, a separate drain is installed to ensure that this water collrction will also drain in those spots.

It sounds like there is a local high spot in your solar installation which is why they plumbed a separate drain at that location.
Mark -

Thanks, I'll compare what you said to my water flow as I understand it. I thought the faucet drain and the taking off of the lowest point cap was just to ensure drainage and limit standing water in low point pipes (we are not hard freeze and I don't know if standing water in a 1/2 filled 2 inch pipe is even an issue). I have to measure the caps - I assume I have 2 inch caps but you showed me a 1.5 inch option and I have 3 total vacuum release valves so I need to make sure on size before ordering.

Very Thankful!
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