OK - for now, if your CYA is low, the chlorinator (which will use trichlor tabs and adds both FC and CYA to the water) is fine. Not sure on what product you used to "shock" the pool, but it could have more CYA or add CH to the pool - not necessarily a bad thing, but those two things will build up in your pool as they're added while FC will burn away. Eventually your water will get to a level where the CYA or CH is too high and you'd have to replace some of the water. So, we recommend keeping an eye on your CYA levels using a solid test kit, and if they start to get up in the 30-40 range, switching over to liquid chlorine, which doesn't add anything but chlorine and a bit of salt to the water.
I know it can be difficult to get a Taylor or TFT-100 kit in Canada - one of the people in Canada will have to advise on the best way to get a good test kit up there...