Opening tomorrow in Nova Scotia - Temperature about 50 F !!!!!

Sep 27, 2015
Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia Canada
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I tested our pool water in preparation for pool opening tomorrow, but I have just read on TFP that tests may not be accurate with a water temp below 45 F. I'm using a Taylor K2006 kit. My results are as follows:
CYA <30 FC 0 pH < 7 TA 20 CH 60 Pool math says add 3kg dry stabilizer to raise CYA; 2.1 litres of bleach to bring FC to 3; 4.3 kg washing soda to raise pH to 7.2
Should I warm the water for a bit in the microwave and then test again? The water ( I peeked under the mesh cover) apprears to be quite clear. Do I need to SLAM or just use Pool Math suggestions to balance?
Cheers form someone who won't be swimming for a while!!!!!!
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Barb, don't nuke the water. Just let test water sit at room temp a bit to warm up.
You don't need to SLAM process a pool on opening if there are no signs or symptoms of algae. Just rebalance using PoolMath's help on quantities. Use washing soda for pH, but go slow. Just get it in to the 7s is fine. Use a sock for the CYA and don;t let it sit against the liner.

Sorry about the cold temps.... rainy and cold in Georgia today also. :(

Maddie :flower:
Hey Barb and Welcome back !!!

Someone is always fashionably late, it might as well be you. :)

*Whenever* you wonder if something is brewing in the water, Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. Its free and youll have a definitive answer by morning.

You'll be starting pollen season soon at and some point, you'll wonder again. Don't come ask, just OCLT. Then come tell us why you OCLT'd and we'll high five you and help pass the time until the result is in.
Thanks for all of the great support. Newdude - Wouldn't I have to raise the FC level to at least 3 ppm before doing the OCLT? I can't do an OCLT with 0 FC....!!!! And if my CYA of <30 is correct, shouldn't I add stabilizer to bring it at least to 30???
Yes, FC should at least be 3ppm Congrats on reading the manual. CYA won't matter for OCLT, it is only measuring loss without UV due to organics. CYA only protects from UV at night. If you can get FC up above 3, not having CYA is ok.
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