On the right track?

Hi all!!

It has been 2 weeks of going pure swamp with slam and I just want to make sure I'm not over looking anything

Brushing 2-3x a day minimum
Vacuum daily, every other day
Testing the pool minimum 3x a day
I have a TF100 kit

I have to go out and get more chlorine as we are out and I just tested

FC - 11.5
CC - 2.0
CYA - 35
PH 7.2 (usually anywhere between 7.1 and 7.4
TA - 160 (tested a few days ago)
CH - 200 (tested few days ago)

Our pool (13000 gallon lazy L pool, 1.5 star max pump and sand Hayward filter) has been closed and uncovered the last 3 years due to health reasons

So it was a complete swamp when we started
The water is very cloudy with white particles still floating in it

I have read just by doing the process we are following it will eventually clear up
That I don't need anything else

But just want to make sure as it has been 15 days since we started the SLAM process and my kids are begging to go in daily with this heatwave we are having

You're on the right track, but when you get the chlorine I would take the FC up to "16" since we can safely round-up your CYA to 40. That may help. Keep doing what you're doing. Can you see the bottom? Hopefully there are no surprises lurking in the bottom that you haven't already seen or removed.
Is it clearing up? Helps to take pictures to see that something is actually happening! :)
Use 40 as your CYA, half way between isn't 35. May be a contributor to the slow response?
When your FC is 10 or higher, the PH test isn't reliable.
Need POP Pool Owner Patience! :)

Good Luck!
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