Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

+1 that low and slow will make any cut of beef tender and delicious! 250-300 degrees and a few hours is all you need. I often smoke meat on the smoker, eat some and then make soup, stew or chili with the rest. Chili or stew made with left over pork butt and/or brisket is good! :chef:
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

If you like mushrooms, try adding shiitake mushrooms (fresh are best but dry will work too). They add a nice woody/earthy flavor.

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Smoking the meat sounds very good as well! I got this Dutch oven recently and have been enjoying cooking new things with it. I did those Beef short ribs for the maiden voyage, they were delicious. I did wait to add the potatoes and carrots until the last hour, but I think I could have cut them into a bit smaller pieces. They were done, but the carrots especially could've been a tad softer but I will cure that by cutting them smaller next time. The onions I thought I may have had too many but they reduced to almost undetectable with the broth and the wine during the cooking process adding a great flavor. With the suggestions I have from the both of you, and the trial and error, I think the next stew is going to be great!

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Mmmm, for even richer flavor on the short ribs try some Port instead of wine, cheap Six Grapes is a good one. Also, a cup or two of Port in a pan and heated to reduction with a few herbs in it is magic! Just add a cup or two to a sauce pan, add some thyme, sage, rosemary or whatever you like and let it simmer on a back burner, stir occasionally, until it is thick and YUM.
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Ok, we're kicking the meatloaf up a notch! Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf!

1-1/2lb Wrights thick cut bacon cut into bits and fried and removed
1 onion and 1/2 a garlic chopped and sautéed in the bacon grease

Then in the big 'old meatloaf pan
1lb ground pork
2 lb ground beef
1 lb grated cheese
2 eggs
Stubbs beef rub
Stubbs BBQ rub
Bacon bits
Onion garlic and some of the bacon fat

Into the smoker at 300 with pecan chunks

Sit in the hot tub with an adult beverage waiting for 160ish!
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

This late breaking news story from your Channel 11 News Team - A poor Dallas/Ft. Worth man was found floating, dead, in his hot tub this evening. Coroners are unsure of the cause of death but they did find that his heart had exploded out of his chest and was found dangling from the ceiling fan. It was also noted in the police report that several pounds of bacon packaging were found strewn all over the ground. Preliminary theories point to Wolf-Man Jack Syndrome or, in layman's terms, his heart exploded from advanced arterial blockage....while his family is sad, his wife did crack a smile when asked about if he had a good life insurance policy....Stay Tuned to Channel 11 news for more details on tonights late evening news....

keep tempting fate buddy....
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I wanna see some greens on that plate next to the meatloaf, mister [emoji35]

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Looks Delish..... BUT....I am sending you a case of Lipitor!

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

LOLL!! is that the cholesterol drug? Mine is like 140 and my wife's is 110ish. I quit eating bread and pasta about 4 years ago and my cholesterol dropped 50 points. :thumleft:

Mmmm mmmm, extra cheese!

My piece

Her piece
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

This is getting a little off track, but I thought desert deserved a honorable mention .....
This is what I'm going to try to make today, in fact it's in the oven now. Dark chocolate cake with coffee added.... mine probably won't be looking this good as this is just a picture from the recipe, but my actual, pictures to follow.... mmmmm


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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Wow! I'd say that is worthy of being in this thread. Wait a minute, I just checked the title and it says baking thread, so we are officially ok! For some reason I thought it said bacon thread :-D
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I've got a Guinness Beer Braised Pot Roast in the oven. Here's the teaser -




More to follow...

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

OK before the pot roast steals the show, here's my cake when I was done..... and then after my grandkids were done! LOL I guess they still thought it was Valentine's Day!



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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

The wifey says, "To heck with your stinkin' pot roast, I want some of that cake!" (she's a serious chocoholic). Looks good. Did the coffee flavor come through? How did you add it to the recipe? As fine grounds or as a liquid?

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I added one cup of triple strong coffee as a liquid. To be honest, I'm not sure I could detect it. It may have called for it for the color or maybe to make it more moist, but in any case it turned out delicious!

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