No chlorine from SWG - sudden onset


Gold Supporter
Jun 15, 2015
I have a Pureline Crystal Pure 60K gal SWG, installed 2018; rated for 10,000 hours. Usually maintains adequate Cl when set at 18-20%, pump run for 8h/d.. Suddenly, Cl was dropping, despite setting SWG to 100%. Plates looked clean a month ago when I installed it (after it was removed for winter). It has never been acid washed.
Chemistry: FC 5.5 (After I added 1# dichlor yesterday when it dropped to 2.0)
pH 7.6
TA 80
CH 350
CYA 60
Salt 3400
SWG readout: Salt 3300, Temp 89, V 22.3, Amp 5.88, output 100%, instant salinity 3400. (I turned it off an on again; same readings.) Numbers seem to suggest it should be generating. Cell was heavy duty with a 3 year warranty (this is the start of year 4, of course.) Any suggestions for what to do next?
Here's a recent thread with the same issue...

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