New to Pools


May 9, 2024
Harrisburg, PA
Hi! My name is Jessica and I live in Pennsylvania. 5 years ago we bought our house which came with an inground pool. It has not been opened for maybe 10 years. We know nothing about pools. Looking forward to learning here! Thank you for having me!
Welcome to TFP! :wave: 10 years huh? Wow. Be sure to take a ton of photos to document this water experiment. That should be interesting. Situations like yours require a bit more TLC, so be sure to post a thread in the appropriate sub-forum as you move along. Also, be sure to have either a TF-Series (or Taylor K-2006C) test kit in-hand before you try anything. You'll need water testing accuracy for sure.

See our Pool Care Basics for lots of great articles, and we look forward to hearing more about your pool.
Also be sure to update your signature with all of your pool and equipment info. If you are on a portable device, you may need to turn it sideways to landscape to see signatures (like mine). The link below should also help.