New St. Louis Pool * water August 1st!

Re: New St. Louis Pool

I'll update with Pebble Sheen pictures tonight, they are working on it now... looks awesome!

I have a water hauling company that is going to tap into the fire hydrant on my street, anyone have any thoughts or experience with this? PB said the water might be cloudy, should i have them run the hydrant for 15 minutes and let it "clean out"?
Re: New St. Louis Pool

I have a water hauling company that is going to tap into the fire hydrant on my street, anyone have any thoughts or experience with this? PB said the water might be cloudy, should i have them run the hydrant for 15 minutes and let it "clean out"?
The water guys should have some experience w/ this. Most of the "junk" in the lines should flush out pretty quick. I wouldn't worry about it, too much.
You must be so excited! Awesome pool!

BTW, I did not kill your father, but I am prepared to die! I loved that movie when I was younger, and I have enjoyed watching it with the next generation!

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The pool looks great, hopefully the rain we've been getting didn't affect you guys. We had 7 inches in 2 days.

vanibrown said:
Beautiful!!! I didn't know that companies were allowed to tap into fire hydrants! GIves me ideas to find out if they do that here!

Even homeowners can tap into a hydrant in some areas of the country. Call the fire department or water department, they will rent you a meter and when you ring it back you pay the water rate for what you used.
The water hauling was fantastic, filled it fast and they charged me roughly what my water bill would have been.

Our landscaping is finished tomorrow, so I'll update with a bunch of pictures. Unfortunately I am coming here for some advice.

We received a huge and unexpected final invoice that I am contesting at least half of, as well they gave us a Rheem heat cool pump instead of the contract Pentair. Any advice on which unit is better? I'll look up the Rheem unit number they gave us. The Pentair is a 120 R H/C UltraTemp. Also any advice for fighting numbers that were never given or agreed to is appreciated.

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