New pump issues....

Aug 12, 2015
Teutpolis, IL
So had to get a new pump. Have it all connected and it runs but can't get the pump basket to fill completely. Even if we use the air release it will not fill 100%. It is a 1.5 hp pump and on low everything functions mostly but on high we have issues. We can't seem to use it to vacuum at all. If we turn it off and back on we have to open the basket and get it to fill that way or it causes issues. I know the pump is bigger than we need... is that the issue? The boys told me old was 1.5 and then later after ordering informed me old was 1. 0. The new pump is a Hayward Power-Flo Matrix dual speed 1.5 HP
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That really isn't that powerful of a pump. More than likely you just have an air leak somewhere so the pump can't prime. Look at the suction side hose connections and the pump lid as likely sources.

However, for AG pools, the pump is usually installed below water level so air leaks generally are not an issue. Is this pump above water level? Have you fully opened the suction/return side valves?
That really isn't that powerful of a pump. More than likely you just have an air leak somewhere so the pump can't prime. Look at the suction side hose connections and the pump lid as likely sources.

However, for AG pools, the pump is usually installed below water level so air leaks generally are not an issue. Is this pump above water level? Have you fully opened the suction/return side valves?
We have no valves... the skimmer basket hose goes straight to the pump which is a often a pain. As far as we can tell all the fittings are tight as no leaks.
The pump is below water level and is not far from the skimmer basket and the hose is fairly short.
The pump basket is getting water but doesn't fill and as soon as we take the lid off water rushes in and fills it quite a bit.
Is the pool level halfway up the skimmer opening? The air might be coming from the skimmer.
Pool is full, full. another inch and it will be higher than the liner. though when pump turned on high creates a tornado in skimmer and starts sucking air if the basket is not in claims my 13 yr old. The pool is 20 yrs old so skimmer is where they originally installed. water is more than half way up skimmer. On low it operates just pump basket not completely full and vacuuming does nothing. thanks
though when pump turned on high creates a tornado in skimmer and starts sucking air if the basket is not in claims my 13 yr old.
It sounds like air is being drawn in through the skimmer.

But with the basket in, there is no vortex?

What was the make/model of your previous pump?

Sometimes putting a large rock in the bottom of the skimmer can break up the vortex.
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