New pool owner green all season HELP!


Active member
Aug 10, 2021
New Jersey
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

I'm sure you get new user giving the pool life story and the suggesting SLAM but here is mine. We got a new above ground pool in September last year, was good for the 2 weeks we had it open then closed it. There was a hole in the pool cover when we opened it in May and the water looked real bad. I've shocked and super shocked it all season. It rarely gets clear and when it finally does it only lasts for 3 days max. It always gets worse after any rain. Last week as a last resort I opened the filter and discovered algae all in my sand, so I replaced the sand. New sand and using 2.5 pounds of 73% ganula shock worked to clear the water the 4 days later it started getting cloudy and now it looks absolutely horrible. I usually go to Leslie's Pool to get my water chemistry digitally read.

My questions.
1. Should I only be using Bleach and can it be any bleach (Clorox) and what % number am I looking for?
2. How do I make sure I don't bleach my vinyl linear.
3. The test kits that usually gets mentioned is $65 on amazon. is this a good price?
4. Does SLAMing have to be done multiple times throughout a pool season?
5. Why am I this bad at owning a pool?
1 liquid bleach is recommended since it doesn't increase your cya levels, I'm not sure on the highest concentration but mine is just over 10%
2 after you dump, stir, I just found this out myself by reading another thread.
3 yes
4 no, some people hear are amazing at keeping their pool in tip top shape, i already slammed mine weeks ago and right now have my fc levels to slam because of water clarity
5 inexperienced so don't be hard on yourself, you will learn and you will get better at pool maintenance

You'll get great advice from the more experience folks here, but this is based on my knowledge.
Welcome! :wave: A few additional comments to get you going....
- The TF-100 is a great value. If you get a Taylor K--2006C elsewhere, be sure you get the "C" version.
- Water is safe for the liner as long as the FC is balanced to the CYA as noted on the FC/CYA Levels. That chart shows you both regular FC levels, and those required for the SLAM Process to remove algae.
- We only SLAM when we encounter algae.

Get one of those test kits and everything will make more sense. Shop around for a good source of liquid chlorine. Home Depot and Walmart usually have the 10% stuff. It would be ideal to close your pool clean as opposed to opening to another swamp. We can help you.

If you have been using powdered shock and/or tablets to chlorinate, the root of your problem is likely that your CYA (stabilizer) level is way too high. This binds all your chlorine and makes it unavailable to kill algae. This is what pool stores call "chlorine lock" (without telling you that they caused it!). This is why we only advocate the use of liquid chlorine , which contains no stabilizer.

Until you get a test kit that can accurately measure CYA, use Pool Math to calculate how much bleach to add daily to raise your FC by 5 ppm. This will keep things from getting any worse. Use only non-scented, non-splashless bleach, and no Chloromax.

Once you get the test kit, post your results here and we'll advise you on how to proceed. Unfortunately, if your CYA is too high, the only remedy is to drain and refill.
Wow thank you every one for the quick responses. so my readings from yesterdays pool store are FC .94, CC .94, ph 8.1, Alk 125, CYA 52. I put 1 quart of muratic acid in the pool to bring down my ph and alk.

One pool store has liquid chlorine for $16, should I go that route over bleach?
Do I need to worry about pouring the clorine in at night or can it be during the day?
Whys is all this FC not also rasing CC levles?
$16 for what quantity? This is 7.5%. And FC doesn't add to CC. CC is the result of FC killing organics and combining to form CC. TC (total chlorine) is the sum of FC plus CC.

But we don't act on pool store test results anyway.

One more thing when I replaced all my sand in my fitler and it was clear for those 4 days, this was happening when the pump first turns on. I made sure to very gentle with the laterals when refill so I know that is going to be the first answer but I just can't believe its that. It only happens when the pump turns on in Filter or Rinse mode


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I’ll second looking to see if there is an Ocean State Job Lot near you. Last time I was there, $ 4.49 for a gallon of 12.5%. It’s called “pool shock”.

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Welcome! :wave: A few additional comments to get you going....
- The TF-100 is a great value. If you get a Taylor K--2006C elsewhere, be sure you get the "C" version.
- Water is safe for the liner as long as the FC is balanced to the CYA as noted on the FC/CYA Levels. That chart shows you both regular FC levels, and those required for the SLAM Process to remove algae.
- We only SLAM when we encounter algae.

Get one of those test kits and everything will make more sense. Shop around for a good source of liquid chlorine. Home Depot and Walmart usually have the 10% stuff. It would be ideal to close your pool clean as opposed to opening to another swamp. We can help you.

is this a good kit? : TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES INC K-2006 TEST KIT COMP CHLORINE FAS-DPD : Swimming Pool Liquid Test Kits : Garden & Outdoor
I order thi TF100. Will I still be able to SLAM without it? What can I do untill the test kit comes in the mail.
Until you get a test kit that can accurately measure CYA, use Pool Math to calculate how much bleach to add daily to raise your FC by 5 ppm. This will keep things from getting any worse. Use only non-scented, non-splashless bleach, and no Chloromax.
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Thanks again everyone for helping me. I got a 5 gallon jug of 12.5 liquid chlorine from the pool store and my TF 100 should be here by Friday. With all this FC/CYA balance and SLAM do you still you 3 tabs in a floater?
While I wait on my TF 100 to be delivery what is the best actions I can take now so things don't get worse. Pool is green and cloudy. Do I run the filter 24/7? I know SLAMing has to be done right the first time or its a waste so I don't want to start that till I have the test kit but I also don't want to make it worse by not responding to the situation now.
You might also check your local big box hardware for "chlorinating liquid." Our local Home Depot has started carrying 10% Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) for something like $16 for 4 gallons.


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