New pool finished today, VS pump starting point with chlorinator.


Aug 23, 2019
milton pa
After a few years without a pool after we sold our house, we finally have an IG again, finished today.

Its closing time but we are going to run if a few weeks to make sure everything is good. Im used to the old pumps and a mechanical timer but this has the hayward super pump VS 700. Since im running a chlorinator for now (going salt is spring) I would like to ask if anyone has a 13k gallon pool and would have a starting setup that I can fine tune for us. The pool installer put it at 2400 for 12 hrs a day, Im reading I should be around 1100/24 instead maybe less with not having salt yet, I just dont know if this will be too much for a chlorinator turned down to not peg the cl readings. I dont really have time to play around to much as we will close it in 2 weeks. Just looking for a start point. Thanks.
I personally, would get about 30 ppm CYA soaking in a sock hanging over a return. Then I'd add enough liquid chlorine to get the FC up to 5 - 6 ppm. The tabs won't dissolve fast enough to sanitize your water quickly. Then I'd enjoy the pool for the next two weeks before you close.

Oh, btw, I would set the VS pump down to 1800. You can skim at the level and it will save on electricity.
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If you are using a Trichlor tablet chlorinator now it will probably not properly dissolve the tablets with very low flow.

You say you don’t have time to play around. Continue running your pump at 2400 and experiment with low flow operation next year.
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If you are using a Trichlor tablet chlorinator now it will probably not properly dissolve the tablets with very low flow.

You say you don’t have time to play around. Continue running your pump at 2400 and experiment with low flow operation next year.
We are using tablets, but Im not opposed to liquid instead (chlorinator part of pool package). Your probably right I should do that, just run it like a mechanical timer till I have more then 2 weeks to dial it in.
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Then run your pump at 2400 to have the tablet chlorinator work properly.
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