New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTION

Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

minimonster17 said:
How did you make out with the dye lots on the stone? I remember you saying that the workers hauled some of yours away to another site, and when you got more, it didn't match with what you had selected initially.

How well did things wind up working out in that aspect?

We got a little creative and got lucky as well. After the big blow up, we had just enough block of the original color to finish the grill. Mixing the darker block on that would have been a disaster. Then we took the new darker blocks and used that for the entire base of the bench and used the original color for the flat stone for the seat and back rest. Where we got a bit lucky is the coping along the back side of the pool is where darker flat stone seemed to be. I don't think anyone could tell unless you pointed it out to them, it really did blend in.
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Here we go again.......

My inspection was cancelled today as it was determined that the electrician never completed the request for his final inspection, even though he said he did. Yes the same guy that missed the inspection before the gunite pour.

City will not schedule the final inspection until at least the request for all of the trade inspections has been completed.

Now I know why I waited a month before I started messing with this stuff again!

Hopefully both get done tomorrow!
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Two weeks later and still fighting over my inspection. We were out of town for a week (thanks to this forum and the BBB method all my levels were perfect when I got back) and thought this would all be over.

I called my PB on Monday and asked if we passed. He said he forgot to check, he would call me back. No call.

I texted him on Tuesday and he said we partially passed and they were trying to figure out what that meant. He would get back to me. I am still waiting.

My building permit expires sep 17. I wonder if I would have to start all over again?
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

We passed the final inspection!!!! I am done. We signed the contract in late February and wrapped everything up at 11:00 today. :party: :cheers:

The 3M film over the two windows several of you recommended worked great and was much cheaper than replacing the windows. Thanks for everyone's help.

I thought I would fail for not having a railing for my steps. The code says you need a bannister for any steps that are 2 or more that are on a walkway and a certain distance from a pool. My stadium steps are 3 high but the ends are not on a walkway. Since that could be a grey area of what constitutes a walkway I figured that is where I would get busted. They were fine though with my steps.

The final holdup was the inspector wanted to bring in an official tree inspector (Not sure of the right title, didn't care at that point) to inspect the tree that the deck went around. Of course this was already in the plans and nobody said a thing during all of the inspections including the layout inspection. Then right at the end there is a problem. They never said what the problem was, only they wanted another inspector to look at it. (Talk about a little late!!!!!)

PB called that inspectors supervisor today to complain and the supervisor overrode his inspector and passed us!

I now can officially add my pool to the thread "Show us your backyard Oasis" thread and get it put in the slide show!
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

skylar18 said:
I now can officially add my pool to the thread "Show us your backyard Oasis" thread and get it put in the slide show!

OMG! Congratulations. Enjoy it. You deserve many days of fun in the sun. I wish that you could have a large party and make it very public and let all of the people who gave you problems know that they are not invited to celebration (I know not very Christian).

I am very jealous. Hope to join you in being completed soon.
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Uh Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.......

We have been loving the pool, enjoying the spa and have countless nights around the fire pit making our construction hassles a distant memory. Time does cure "most pain". We have even had a couple of small warranty issues (bad led light, small leak around my Polaris pump) that the PB jumped right on.

In fact, the PB asked if they could send over a professional photographer for day and night pictures for their marketing materials, web sites and some local design magazines. We said no problem and they are doing that the first week in December.

Friday I was working from home and my doorbell rang. it was one of the electricians, yes the ones I had all of my problems with. He said he had been sent over by his boss to do an inventory of what work they did because they had never invoiced my PB.

I asked him:

A) How could you not know what you did here?
B) We finished with you over 5 months ago, and you are invoicing the job now?
C) How did you know if someone was going to be home. We have the fence locked up now and there is no way to get in anymore since construction is done. I wasn't supposed to be home and at the last minute decided to stay at home.

He didn't have a tape measure or anything to measure the runs....He asked me if I knew how long each of the runs were and how many were there......

I called the PB and informed him. I wonder where this is going to go.

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Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

KenGood said:
OMG! I am freaking out just from reading this. You just want to say NO, NO, NO! I hope it is not too painful.

I know it is not going to be my problem.....However I am concerned how much work I am going to have to do to make sure it stays not my problem......

I am guessing a lot.
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

skylar18 said:
Uh Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.......

We have been loving the pool, enjoying the spa and have countless nights around the fire pit making our construction hassles a distant memory. Time does cure "most pain". We have even had a couple of small warranty issues (bad led light, small leak around my Polaris pump) that the PB jumped right on.

In fact, the PB asked if they could send over a professional photographer for day and night pictures for their marketing materials, web sites and some local design magazines. We said no problem and they are doing that the first week in December.

Friday I was working from home and my doorbell rang. it was one of the electricians, yes the ones I had all of my problems with. He said he had been sent over by his boss to do an inventory of what work they did because they had never invoiced my PB.

I asked him:

A) How could you not know what you did here?
B) We finished with you over 5 months ago, and you are invoicing the job now?
C) How did you know if someone was going to be home. We have the fence locked up now and there is no way to get in anymore since construction is done. I wasn't supposed to be home and at the last minute decided to stay at home.

He didn't have a tape measure or anything to measure the runs....He asked me if I knew how long each of the runs were and how many were there......

I called the PB and informed him. I wonder where this is going to go.

I would never let him measure anything. They should know exactly what they did 5 months ago. If they conduct business like that they shouldn't be in business.
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

I just read your entire thread/ordeal and mine pales in this light. Permits and staying on the right side of inspectors becomes more of a concern than the actual build.
Very nice, well planned and executed. You did a nice job of staying in touch with the job, better than the PB did. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

One question.....Your house has no gutters. It appears your neighbors do. Is that not a necessity in your area?
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

buzzworth said:
I just read your entire thread/ordeal and mine pales in this light. Permits and staying on the right side of inspectors becomes more of a concern than the actual build.
Very nice, well planned and executed. You did a nice job of staying in touch with the job, better than the PB did. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

One question.....Your house has no gutters. It appears your neighbors do. Is that not a necessity in your area?

Thank you for the kind words!

Funny you should mention that.... This past Monday we had gutters put up.

We had this house built here in Texas when we were living in Virginia. Even with that distance we only missed one thing with the home build. One of the line items was for gutters. Everywhere else we had lived and built a house, (We have built 4) that meant that gutters were for the entire house. Not here! A lot of the builders only do it for the front of the house and the sides and back are extra. We missed it on all of our walk through's. Quite honestly we never thought to look. We closed on the house and several weeks later we had our first rain. My wife says, "it sounds like a river is running through our house". We look out the back and sheets of water are coming off our roof! That is when we noticed we had no gutters.

It ended up being one of those things that we always were going to get them put up, and just never got around to it. With a drought here the last 5 years it even became less of a priority.

Since we put the pool in, we have had a ton of rain, and we didn't want torrents of water hitting our deck and wearing off our sundek and doing any damage to our outdoor kitchen.
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Did you by any chance get any contractor lien releases from your builder? If not, they might try to pin you with this. I'm not trying to borrow trouble, but it's something I ran across as an important check list item when choosing a builder. I truly hope the best for you and remember this build well. When we chose our stone in fact, my wife brought it up saying "our builder better not try taking our somewhere else like that one on the forum did".

Keep us posted...
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Brushpup said:
Did you by any chance get any contractor lien releases from your builder? If not, they might try to pin you with this. I'm not trying to borrow trouble, but it's something I ran across as an important check list item when choosing a builder. I truly hope the best for you and remember this build well. When we chose our stone in fact, my wife brought it up saying "our builder better not try taking our somewhere else like that one on the forum did".

Keep us posted...

Time in this instance is my friend. For a lien to be filed in Texas, it has to filed by the 15th of the fourth month after work was done. That would have been November 15th. But since this is a subcontractor, it works out even better for me. A subcontractor has to file an affidavit to the general contractor (my pool builder) and the property owner (me) by law by the 15th of the third month that they had provided material and services and were not being paid for them before they could even file a lien. They missed that also.....

I suggest you figure out a way to keep your stone locked up! :lol: I still shake my head when I look at the back and bottom of my bench and see the different color stone. The good news is you cannot see it 99% of the time from where we usually are when looking that way. If you are the neighbors behind us, I am sure though that they look at the bench and wondered what the heck happened!
Re: New Pool Build because of Big Green Egg - FINAL INSPECTI

Hey, that is great news!!! And good to know. I hear Mick singing it in the background if they show up again...:cheers:
Sounds like it worked out fine on the stone, but man that was something else. I dont thin we'll have that worry though, Everyone seems to like something different than us. :lol:

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