New Pool Build (Another One) in Allen, TX

jamcha02 ... man, looks like I do have you to blame. You just had to go and change to travertine and mess up my build schedule, didn't you? :D

I skipped the ozone on mine. I've just got a SWCG, and a rainbow inline as backup/supplement.

How is the intellichem?
Good call on the ozone. I had to remove mine. In addition to injecting a ton of air into the system, it also screws up the ORP readings as the ozone is injected on the suction side right before the intellichem intake.

Intellichem is working wonderfully. One issue is that when the weather dips below 30, the flow cell will most definitely freeze and the unit will not work. I am not sure what type of damage this causes to the sensors, but I'm sure its not good.

I am currently looking into designing a custom insulated wooden box to build around the intellichem panel, flow cell, and injection pump. The box will have a hinged door to access the equipment and holes on the side for electrical wire and plumbing to make it through. This will protect it from the cold and UV rays.
Good idea on the box. I was planning to build a fence around the equipment, with a hinged lid, to protect equipment from elements and get it out of sight. I suppose that will help trap heat and guard against freezes as well.

How is your travertine decking looking? Are you happy with the choice? Does it look like the crew is going a good job, with high attention to detail?
Travertine looking good. I'll update my build thread with a pic.

The crew is solid. Uses 6 inches of gravel with a 3 inch sand base for prep. They even run a compactor over it.

Stone quality is good. Cuts are good. So far I'm really impressed with the crew - they are some real pros

Scratch that...the 3 inch layer on top of the gravel appears to be a very fine granite gravel mixed with some type of cement.

I assume this produces a very solid base for the pavers

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Owner was out today to discuss. He agreed to speak with the deck crew and get the issues addressed, so that is good. Time table is likely next week.

Clean up should happen in the next few days, pre-plaster next week, and stonescapes likely the following week!

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Well, change of plans here.

Plaster is now scheduled for Monday instead of the following week. I have some concerns about this because final payment is due at plaster, and we don't yet have the intellichem or screenlogic installed, and the deck quality isn't sufficient yet. I also need to scramble to try to get a child fence put in Mon/Tue as well as the wife is dead set on making sure it is in before the pool is filled. So, I am meeting with the fence person tomorrow.

They did clean up today, including putting out fence back up and grading the yard.

I have hired a person to install am exterior door in our bedroom on Thursday to allow access to the side yard (since it will be cut off from the back door by the child fence).

Lots going on ... we are getting close!

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