New Plaster last week, current levels

Two things I'd watch:
1 - Increase FC right away to avoid algae. Always refer to the TFP [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] to keep the FC balanced with your current CYA. You're probably not using the SWG yet correct? Once you do, you know to increase the CYA to a minimum of 70.
2 - Your pool is currently in the "potential to become scaling" range (0.44) as noted on the PoolMath. Ideally you want your CSI level (3rd row from bottom of PoolMath) to be neutral (zero) or slightly negative. Enter all of your test numbers in PoolMath to see what I mean. You can fix that quickly by controlling the pH rise from new plaster. Use some muriatic acid to lower the pH to about 7.3-7.5. Perhaps even better, keep working on that routine of lowering the pH with acid which should also slowly lower the TA. When the TA gets down to about 100, the pH rise should slow down and it will help your overall CSI level. Also see: Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity.
Two things I'd watch:
1 - Increase FC right away to avoid algae. Always refer to the TFP [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] to keep the FC balanced with your current CYA. You're probably not using the SWG yet correct? Once you do, you know to increase the CYA to a minimum of 70.
2 - Your pool is currently in the "potential to become scaling" range (0.44) as noted on the PoolMath. Ideally you want your CSI level (3rd row from bottom of PoolMath) to be neutral (zero) or slightly negative. Enter all of your test numbers in PoolMath to see what I mean. You can fix that quickly by controlling the pH rise from new plaster. Use some muriatic acid to lower the pH to about 7.3-7.5. Perhaps even better, keep working on that routine of lowering the pH with acid which should also slowly lower the TA. When the TA gets down to about 100, the pH rise should slow down and it will help your overall CSI level. Also see: Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity.

We added more chlorine last night to bring up the FC and muriatic acid (at different times) I didn't have time to check it this morning, but will when I get home from work today.
Todays Levels per pinch a penny:
FC: 3.0
CC: 0
TC: 3.0
pH 7.6
Total Alk: 120
Calc Hard: 325
Stabilizer: 60* I think this is off.. my TFTest kit gave me between 20-30 last night and we haven't added any stabilizer and the last few test at pinch a penny the level was 40... not sure how it would go up without adding and CYA.
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