New here, dumping pool store advice, attempting to restore clear blue water - HELP!

As I said, I’m not comfortable enough to “advise”, but if it were me I’d raise the CYA to 35-40. While waiting for this to happen, I’d use pool math with a CYA of 30. (But wait for a mod to chime in before doing anything.)

If you look at the bottom of the pool calculator (I think that’s where it is) there’s a place where you can plug in numbers to see “what if” scenarios. That will show the significance of having a proper CYA number.

One thing that might make things a bit easier for you is to download (buy) the pool math calculator app for your phone (assuming you have a smart phone). IMO it was money well spent in that it keeps logs of test results and chemical additions, has a “what if” calculator. But best part is it saves your default numbers and tells you right there what you need to add.
As for the empty bleach bottles, cut a couple of them up to use as scoops for dry chems you may need in the future.

Doing any painting? You can use them to pour paint into so you’re not lugging around a full gallon.

You can also cut the tops off to use for storage - Legos, nails/screws, nerf darts. Paint them and add some potting soil for flowers.

Give them to the kids. Task them with cleaning the bottles thoroughly, then they can use them for whatever they can create with their imaginations - (stack them for nerf war practice?)
OK, so my pool is clear, but my FC late last night was 11.0 and dropped to 6.0 by this morning. I have not been able to get my FC above 12.0, my shock level should be up to 16.0 according to the charts. I decided to check my CYA level again because I had put some in the pool before i started this slam process and before I was being advised by trouble free Since I know the CYA can creep up for about a weeks time, I was curious to see if it had raised. Ironically, I found that my CYA level had dropped. Initially my reading was about 35 (I was told on this forum to round that up to 40). Now my black dot is not disappearing, it is cloudy looking but definitely can still see it with the test tube of water full.

My question is if this finding a significant? I guess I'm thinking if I am shocking at a CYA level that is not accurate?
Secondly, why can I not get my FC level up to 16? I am following the pool Calculator every time I add more bleach. I am checking about every three hours during the day.
Third, I was not expecting to add this much bleach. What does everyone do with all the empty bottles!? I went through about 14 bottles of 10 % yesterday. I am on day 4 of slamming.
If CYA is lower than you originally thought, it just means you've been targeting a higher FC than you had to. Use 12 FC as your target now.

Your FC is going up. But then it starts getting used and three hours later it will not be there anymore. The algae and the sun got to it. When it holds the same overnight -- that means no sun loss -- it means then there wasn't any algae loss. But so long as you still have overnight losses, you still have algae, and your chlorine level will start dropping as soon as you stop pouring.

I don't know what you're expecting. You've had the test kit and have actually been SLAMming only three days. I believe the record is three days and that guy was obsessed and set the alarm and got up every two hours all through the night to test and dump more bleach. Most take about a week. I think you're doing quite well so far.
CYA of 30 is good for a SLAM. If you raise CYA you will need to add more chlorine per the chart. [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

Keep going! Test as frequently as you can and keep FC at SLAM level.

To save on reagent, use a 5ml sample with each drop = 1FC.

CYA can be adjusted once you are done with the SLAM.
Now my black dot is not disappearing, it is cloudy looking but definitely can still see it with the test tube of water full.

Mary, add stabilizer and bring your CYA back to 30. I would add half, retest your CYA, and then if CYA still low add the rest.
Mary, add stabilizer and bring your CYA back to 30. I would add half, retest your CYA, and then if CYA still low add the rest.

For your pool you need about 5.5 lbs to raise your CYA 20ppm. I would start with that amount.

Please use this method to add the stabilizer:
Solid/granular cyanuric acid (CYA) should be placed in a sock and the sock suspended in front of a pool return. Squeezing the sock periodically will help it to dissolve faster. After adding CYA you should leave the pump running for 24-48 hours.

Test and dose chemicals in your pool assuming the amount of CYA added is in the pool according to Poolmath. CYA can be tested the day after it is fully dissolved from the sock.

Also brushing the pool as often as you can is beneficial to keep the dead algae suspended so the filter can remove it.

As long as you can clearly see the bottom of the deep end and your FC is at or below shock level it is safe to swim :swim:

You are doing a great job! Keep it up!!

Before adjusting CYA, can you confirm the newer test was done in full sunlight? That post mentioned "late at night" and the CYA test does depend on proper lighting. I'd hate for you to raise CYA unnecessarily during SLAM based on an inaccurate reading. You may definitely want to raise it once you've completed SLAM but doing so prior will increase your target FC need.

While testing chlorine during SLAM, you CAN use a 10ml sample of water counting each reagent drop as .5. Using a smaller sample gets rather inaccurate (ask me how I know???)
I rechecked my CYA level again, and it is definitely less than 30 (water is cloudy in test tube but can still see a cloudy black dot). So, from advice given here I am going to add CYA to get it to 30 (I hope this is correct). I do not have "returns" in the side of my pool because I have a caretaker system which returns water through the various little ports in the floor of the pool. So should I hang the sock along the side, or put it in the skimmer basket? How do I know how much stabilizer to add if I don't know the current exact CYA amount (I just know it's less than 30 because the test kit doesn't go lower).

My FC hasn't really been getting or maintaining at shock level even though I'm adding chlorine every 3 hours or so during the day. I'm not sure why it's so hard to get it to shock level. We have been doing some swimming, so i'm not sure if that is the issue. It had been holding around 11.0 FC 2-3 days ago but the last two days it got down to 2.5 FC once and fluctuated. Example:
7:00 AM FC 2.5
-------added 650 oz. 6%
10:00 AM FC 8.5
-------added 240 oz. 6%
2:00 PM FC 7.0
-------added dichlor smart shock powder bc out of liquid bleach (I know it raises CYA, but my CYA is low)
SWAM for 3 hours
9:00 PM FC 3.5
------added 580 oz. 6%
11:00 PM FC 14.0
*****I usually check every 2-4 hours or so, but we had company and that is why there is a gap midday.

7:00 AM FC 4.0
----------added 550 oz. 6%
9:00 AM FC 9.0
----------added 200 oz. 6%

Is this normal for it to take a few days of slamming to get to shock level? Or is this related to a lower CYA level (less than 30 according to Taylor 2006 test).

I will wait to add CYA until I hear back if this is what I should do and how to do it without returns. Thanks you so much!
Add 10 ppm worth of CYA powder using the sock method. Put the sock in the skimmer with pump running. Be sure the sock does not block the water flow.

You are getting to your 'shock' level if your bleach is fresh and you are adding the appropriate amount. Just because several hours later it is below shock level means it is consuming organics or being degraded by the sun. If you want to see how close you are getting to shock, add the appropriate amount of bleach, circulate 30 minutes, then re-test. Your FC should be close to the level you used in Poolmath, unless your bleach is not the % sodium hypochlorite you used in Poomath.

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I've been quiet for the last several days. I was told to be patient, and so I have tried :). I am on day 10 of slamming. Several hundred of dollars in bleach. My husband keeps telling me to stop now since the pool has been clear for over a week, and I am "throwing money away" with how much bleach I keep buying. I guess I'm just checking in for advice or simply encouragement that I am still on the right track. I added CYA (with goal of level 30) starting 5 days ago (sock method via skimmer since I don't have returns). I continue to try and keep my shock levels at 12, although I've never tested and found my levels that high. My method is usually to test every 2-4 hours throughout the day from 7:00 AM until about 9:00 PM. I always put my numbers into Poolcalculator (adjusting pool size to 33,000 gallons), and I add 10% liquid chlorine as advised with a goal of 12 FC. Usually when I check my FC after 2-4 hours it is between 5.0-9.0. It has been typical that my FC drops from 9.0 to 4.0 or 5.0 overnight. I had to order more of the Taylor reagents because I ran out. My husband just sees $ going out the door and the pool looks clear. It's been 10 days. I've been pretty much on top of it. The FC just won't hold near 12, and I'm failing my overnight test again and again.
Any lights, skimmer throats, weir doors, etc? Check them for algae.

Or mats, steps , ladders, covers etc? Hidden algae is a common reason for prolonging slams.

Another reason for long slams is targeting the wrong cya value. You said "around 30". Is that more or less than 30? We normally round up intermediate values. If it is really 40 then your slam target is fc=16 and the fact you are often down at 4-6 would significantly prolong a slam.

Also a slam can drag on if one is constantly dropping to low levels and not really holding the fc near slam level. So given your pattern of frequent big drops, I'd suggest dosing and checking every half hour until the fc starts holding upwards of 12 (or whatever is your slam target). Once it holds change to doing it every hour. When the fc holds again then change to every two hours etc. In the beginning hit it hard and hit it often, otherwise things can drag on.
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