New agp, need advice on add ons!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2017
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-25
I posted last week about our liner failing and we have decided to go the new pool route and are going with a 24ft vogue panache. The pool store is trying to sell us their package but we don’t really need a new pump or filter. If we do go with it, is sand (what we have now) or cartridge better? I added a circupool edge 25 swg a couple years ago but they are saying the warranty doesn’t cover salt and we have the option of chlorine or their mineral system. I’ve read not so good things about mineral systems so I wanted to get y’all’s advice, TIA!
Stick with chlorine, preferably liquid chlorine as much as possible. Tabs add CYA and are acidic, they're good in a pinch (vacation) but rarely use them otherwise. Cal Hypo is OK but adds calcium so you have to watch your calcium hardness, I've read here that it is a little dangerous to use - I had no clue when I was using it. As far as cartridge vs sand filter I think it depends on who you ask, personally I was a DE person but now have a sand filter. People do swear by their cartridge filters as well. People swear at their DE filters; I think it's what you're comfortable with. Depending on how old your equipment is it might be worth it to get new equipment.

I had a Pentair Star 50 grid DE filter that kept our water absolutely sparkling, would have went with another DE if I could've gotten grids but Hayward only sells fingers; the pool store also said our township is treating used DE as hazardous waste so I opted for sand. I have heard stories on how bad sand filters were but honestly I'm not seeing it so far. I've been impressed on how clean my water is - DE was a little better (or maybe I'm remembering wrong! ) but I also have 3 boxes of DE sitting in my garage from my old filter if the sand needs help. My experience with cartridge filters is back when I was a young kid, these are not the same as they were back then.

Our last pool was a Vogue and it lasted 20 years, had no complaints at all with it. Good luck!
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We are leaning toward the cartridge filter for the better filtration and our sand filter is prob 15y old. However, our pump and swg are around 3yo. Pool store has my husband convinced salt will destroy anything and so he thinks that’s what happened to our liner and pool. The system they are selling is called nature pure, apparently it’s a mineral/ozone system that uses chlorine too.
So I’ve pretty much nixed the idea of the mineral/ozone system after reading on here but I still can’t understand why I can’t use my swg. The pool is advertised online as salt friendly but we were told warranty doesn’t cover it. I guess I’ll be going back to liquid chlorine 😞 should we cancel having them hard pipe it in case we want to add something in later? They have it in the back of mind, did the swg cause the rust and liner failure?? Sorry y’all I’m just so confused.
The pool is advertised online as salt friendly but we were told warranty doesn’t cover it. They have it in the back of mind, did the swg cause the rust and liner failure?? Sorry y’all I’m just so confused.
The only people who can say if a pool is salt ready or not without voiding a warranty is the manufacturer, if they state yes then great but you want it in writing. From the little bit of research I did the difference seems to be resin bottom track, top rails and uprights with a steel walled pool or a complete resin pool makes it salt ready. When I was shopping for this pool I went to 2 stores 1 had no salt ready pools and the one we bought from did have salt ready pools. We did not buy it because of the salt but because they gave us a better price for the pool package we wanted. I don't think salt water contributed to your liner failure but maybe the rust on the wall did. Our liner lasted 20 years and just ripped under the water line one day for no reason, we were lucky to get that long from the liner.
should we cancel having them hard pipe it in case we want to add something in later?
Hard plumb! our last pool had the AG hoses and they gave me issues all the time, hard plumbing never entered my mind. I would come home from work or wake up and see my hose acting like a fountain. Had a hose pop off once or twice as well. Cutting PVC pipe is easy, I'm sure plenty of YouTube videos on how to do it. Just make sure that you have unions and shutoffs on the pipes to make taking it apart if need be easy. I suggest shutoffs by the pool on the skimmer and return, some have suggested shutoffs at both the pool and the filter. Speaking of the filter don't forget unions at the filter to the pump if that gets hard plumbed.

You mentioned liquid chlorine, I ran our last pool mostly on bleach and it worked out fine. I did have a chlorinator for when we went on vacation. This is our first year with this pool and I went with a SWG for "ease of use" but bought 4 gallons of liquid chlorine in May for startup and haven't turned the SWG on yet as I just opened my last jug last weekend. Other than having gallons of bleach (it was very cheap a few years ago) hanging around, using it wasn't a big deal but this is just my opinion.
The only people who can say if a pool is salt ready or not without voiding a warranty is the manufacturer, if they state yes then great but you want it in writing. From the little bit of research I did the difference seems to be resin bottom track, top rails and uprights with a steel walled pool or a complete resin pool makes it salt ready. When I was shopping for this pool I went to 2 stores 1 had no salt ready pools and the one we bought from did have salt ready pools. We did not buy it because of the salt but because they gave us a better price for the pool package we wanted. I don't think salt water contributed to your liner failure but maybe the rust on the wall did. Our liner lasted 20 years and just ripped under the water line one day for no reason, we were lucky to get that long from the liner.

Hard plumb! our last pool had the AG hoses and they gave me issues all the time, hard plumbing never entered my mind. I would come home from work or wake up and see my hose acting like a fountain. Had a hose pop off once or twice as well. Cutting PVC pipe is easy, I'm sure plenty of YouTube videos on how to do it. Just make sure that you have unions and shutoffs on the pipes to make taking it apart if need be easy. I suggest shutoffs by the pool on the skimmer and return, some have suggested shutoffs at both the pool and the filter. Speaking of the filter don't forget unions at the filter to the pump if that gets hard plumbed.

You mentioned liquid chlorine, I ran our last pool mostly on bleach and it worked out fine. I did have a chlorinator for when we went on vacation. This is our first year with this pool and I went with a SWG for "ease of use" but bought 4 gallons of liquid chlorine in May for startup and haven't turned the SWG on yet as I just opened my last jug last weekend. Other than having gallons of bleach (it was very cheap a few years ago) hanging around, using it wasn't a big deal but this is just my opinion.
I can’t find anything directly from vogue about warranty, I just saw salt friendly on a website that sells it. It is all resin aside from the resin coated aluminum wall. Does it change anything being that the pool company is installing it? I guess I’ll have to call vogue.

Our current pool is hard piped and I prefer that I was just thinking if we needed to add something later on we could hard pipe it.

As far as chlorine, I used bleach before the swg and I’m not the excited about lugging jugs again 😣 thanks for your reply!
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