Need some help with new SWG setup


Jul 21, 2018
Richmond, TX
We took the plunge and converted to a SWG a month or so ago. My CYA had been fairly low (it always go down during the winter months, maybe lots of rain or something?) but I just got some stabilizer and I've gotten it up to 60. I am still in the process of raising and will shoot for 80 given the long, hot Houston summers. I use the pool math app, and it tells me that in order to raise my chlorine I need to run the pump for a certain number of hours. I have a variable speed pump. Does it matter at what speed I run the pump?
We took the plunge and converted to a SWG a month or so ago. My CYA had been fairly low (it always go down during the winter months, maybe lots of rain or something?) but I just got some stabilizer and I've gotten it up to 60. I am still in the process of raising and will shoot for 80 given the long, hot Houston summers. I use the pool math app, and it tells me that in order to raise my chlorine I need to run the pump for a certain number of hours. I have a variable speed pump. Does it matter at what speed I run the pump?
Speed doesn’t matter provided it’s at least enough to trigger the flow switch on the SWG.
I found the lowest speed that will activate the flow switch and also skim the the surface. For my system that is 1200 rpm for the majority of run time then up to 2200 rpm for 1.5 hours at the beginning and end of each day.
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