Need ideas about draining and cleaning pool


Aug 2, 2014
Concord, Ca
Hi everyone. I have a 40,000 gallon gunite IG pool, no spa, with a non de cartrige filter. Neglected testing for couple weeks just put in chlorine tabs. Now cya is 100. FAC AND TAC both at 6. TA =100, PH=7.5, Calcium hardness=260, Phosphates=300, total dissolved solids=1700. I have begun to drain the pool. I was only going do drain about one third but I am thinking that since I have not, in 30 yrs, tried to physically wash down the pool maybe I should drain 100% and do that. However, what type of cleaning agent should be used? Also, there are a couple of rust stains on the bottom. Each stain about 13 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide.
Should I attempt to cover these stains if I cannot at least lighten them.

Thank you!
Re: Need ideas about draining and cleaning pool

Rust stains would more likely be easier to remove by doing and a treatment with water in the pool.

I am concerned about your test results. They look suspiciously like pool store numbers. Do you not have one of the recommended test kits?

Also clearly you need to stop using the chlorine tabs so that your cya stops climbing.
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