Need help balancing - just opened pool


May 15, 2024
Southeast Missouri
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum, and a new pool owner. I've been reading this forum a lot learning quite a bit in the process, I'm really glad I found it!

My pool is above ground, vinyl, 27ft round (~17,000 gal).

It was installed last year mid-summer. At that time they sold me on Bacquacil, which I used for that season. In that process I learned all the reasons I believe that was a bad decision, and so by the end of that season, and now opening the pool this season, I've converted away from Bacquacil, over to what will be chlorine. Luckily, I've had no crazy issues with that conversion as I believe we did the process correctly (got BA levels low, replaced a portion of the water, replaced sand in filter, then initially non-chlorine shocked).

After that, I've been following the pool stores ongoing advice (same guys who installed the pool), and I've overall added 6 lbs of turbo shock over 3 days, and then found that my ph was 8.0 and my TA was 190. They told me to add 2 lbs of ph minus and then start shocking again since it's still cloudy.

I did add the ph minus, but have not done anything since. And FYI, currently it's fairly cloudy, but not green anymore like it was prior to shocking. It needs to be vacuumed, which I intend on doing this afternoon.

Anyway, the test kit I'm using is a couple years old so I'm leary to trust it. Yesterday I ordered the TFP Pro test kit based on suggestions I see in this forum. Obviously that hasn't arrived yet, so all I have for now is the old kit.

As for PH, I've been using a digital PH meter I bought off amazon last year.

What I'd like to know is what I should be doing right now. Based on my test kit (and test strips), my chlorine levels are 0 to 0.5 (have not added any chlorine other than those 6 lbs of turbo shock). As of this morning, my TA is 160. My PH is 7.8.

From what I'm reading, I need to reduce PH to maybe 7.0, then aerate to increase PH, and repeat that until TA is in range. I still have several lbs of ph minus so I'd like to use that up before I buy muriatic acid (unless that's a bad idea, I'm not sure yet).

I guess my more specific question is should I be adding chlorine yet? (I will be using trichlor tablets until my CYA is in range, then switch to liquid chlorine) Or should I just focus on balancing the PH and TA, then worry about the chlorine? Or should all of this be put on hold until I get my new test kit in?

I'm fine putting it on hold a few more days, I just don't want to risk getting any algae growth in the mean time since there's currently no sanitizer in the pool.

You need to add chlorine now. It should be liquid chlorine and not pucks as you want to raise it quickly. 3 qts of liquid chlorine at 10% (purchase from Walmart or Home Depot) will raise FC by 4.5ppm. Keep at that level until you can test using your new test kit. You may need to add 1 qt per day after that as you will lose FC due to UV and that quart adds back about 1.5ppm. Adding more will not hurt anything.

Use only MA to reduce TA and pH. pH down is granular acid and also adds sulfates which you do not want. Do not drop pH below 7

It is also best to add granular stabilizer (CYA) as waiting for pucks to dissolve is a long process. You need to wait for the test kit before you can test for CYA. You do not want to add stabilizer randomly because you do not want to overshoot. Using pucks for now is fine in the short term waiting for the test kit.