my daughter contracted folliculitis from a pool


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to All,

Not sure if this has ever been discussed, but my 17 yr-old daughter shaved her legs Sunday am, then at 2pm went to a persons house for a party. They were encouraged to bring their bathing suits to go swimming.

Well, she went swimming and sometime Tues morning before school, noticed she had what appeared to look like bite marks of fleas or bed-bugs. We treated at home as if it were such, but Wed morning it went from 15-20 bites to over 60, per leg. We pulled her out of school and took to ER...they said either fleas or bed-bugs too. I was not convinced and made an emergency apptment w Dermatologist. He immediately asked her if she has recently shaved her legs and went swimming or a lake? She told him Sunday she did both. He said you have a bacterial infection called folliculitis from bacteria in a pool entering a open area from shaving. He said it takes 48-72 hrs to manifest and this was right on target. She looked liked she had 60 chigger bites all on her legs and moving upward from shins to quads...

She has to take oral antibiotics, baths w disinfect chemicals, Rx cortisone creams and then topical sprays on her legs too. the worse thing is they itch like mosquito bites.

I am wrestling w calling the host, bc I do not know them and they were actually throwing a surprise party for one of my daughters best friends mother. I do feel compelled to let them know bc if they have someone taking care of the pool or they are, someone is not doing it right. The Dr said the odds of it being something else is 99:1 no.

So folks, make sure your CL levels are where they need to be. At least not since I have employed the TFP method using 8.25% bleach and I tell my daughters/wife to test water and treat each day when I'm out of town, they will move a lot faster. My daughter is 5'8" and a lot of legs, so it was very painful to see her go thru this. I am posting this to help impress upon all to keep their pools treated correctly. Any feedback is welcomed.

Definitely say something....and it could have been WAY worse if someone (or your daughter) got sick instead.

I would be thankful if someone told me that...but then again my pool is always properly sanitized.
Anyone want to bet the pool in question has a "mineral" system to keep the water clear? (mineral / copper systems tend to do a fair job at killing visible algae, but not such a good job with viruses and bacteria that are not visible to the naked eye)
I see two "teachable moments":

The pool owners should be informed.

The 17-year old should be the one to do it. She was directly impacted by it, and she'll have to face situations as an adult very soon whether she likes it or not. She'll also be likely to stir less defensiveness/embarrassment from the owners. If she's concerned about how to approach them, tell her to be calm and non-confrontational.
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