Monsoon rains - High TDS and another Q

My TDS had been around 1700-1900 and we just had 4.1 inches of rain in under 3 hours a week or so ago. I just had a test and the overall TDS came out at 2600. Should I be concerned. The pool still looks pretty clear to me.

Second question - in summer in AZ what is recommended, add a little chlorine each day to keep it in the 3-5 range or take the easier route and check it twice a week and adjust then?

Pool  - 1.jpeg
TDS is not a useful data point in pool water chemistry. It comprises many different compounds that some, individually, do matter.

Test Calcium, CH, CYA, stabilizer, and Salt separately. Those matter. Salt only if you have a SWCG, that it does not appear you have.
Chlorine in a pool is a consumable item. It must be added daily or as necessary such that the FC level never goes below minimum based on your CYA level. FC/CYA Levels
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