Microscopic black bugs after rain


New member
Aug 19, 2023
Franklin Lakes, NJ
After a rain tiny black bugs are on the surface of the pool. They are extremely tiny so I took a sample to my office and looked at them under the microscope. They are segmented with four appendages. Another member, rocketx2 had posted the same problem. I'd like to know what the solution was if any.
What is your testing levels for chlorine and CYA? Bugs go through cycles - they come and go. Proper chlorine levels should take care of them.
I notice an abundance of bugs occasionally. Mine seem to go in cycles: tiny black bugs or springtails after heavy rains, and flying ants occasionally. If I see a large number of any, I add a skimmer sock for a few days to catch what I can while the pump is running then quickly manually skim what I can get with a net. Before I snap the tiny black bugs or springtails off the skimmer net, I spray them with a spray bottle filled with water and a bit of dish detergent. Before spraying them with detergent I felt like they would just come right back into the pool after I snapped them into the lawn.
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