Mastertemp E05 error code


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Monmouth County, NJ
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Liquid Chlorine
Hey all. Have a brand new Mastertemp 400, install in June. Getting E05 error code. After doing my own research and consulting manual it looks like the code is for a bad/faulty stack flue sensor. Exhaust temps support that, jumping from 40 up to high temps which makes no sense. Heater runs for a minute or so before it shuts off and flashes E05 code.

Opened the heater up and took a look at the sensor. Seems intact except for the point where the two wires enter the “sensor” (we are getting past what I really understand here) are frayed and exposed. I’m no electrician but seems like this would be an issue and looks different from the new ones I see online (ordered). Hard to get a picture though.

Thoughts on cause of this? Critter? Bad install?


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I have not looked that closely at the SFS but that exposed wires does look wrong. I have seen a lot of bad stuff getting through manufacturers quality control lately.

See how the replacement you have ordered looks and works.
I have not looked that closely at the SFS but that exposed wires does look wrong. I have seen a lot of bad stuff getting through manufacturers quality control lately.

See how the replacement you have ordered looks and works.

Yeah, I mean it ran all summer so I’m not sure what happened but I didn’t think it looked right. Part arrives Monday so we shall see.
I had a similar issue last winter and it was the SFS. Rodents were the culprit so I added wire mesh on all entry points to prevent another attack.

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I didn’t wire mesh the area that the exhaust comes out of, but all surrounding area around the exhaust is wire meshed. I purchased the kit from this site: MK Rat Proofing
I didn’t wire mesh the area that the exhaust comes out of, but all surrounding area around the exhaust is wire meshed. I purchased the kit from this site: MK Rat Proofing
Yup , That's the kit I bought when my pool got built. My heater looked pretty clean on the inside when I peaked inside yesterday. There's definitely holes in the exhaust, that's the main entry point now
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