
May 19, 2016
Bristol, CT
I've completed my SLAM and my pool numbers are pretty much where I want them. The pool is clear and I'm super happy!

So, what now? Is there a rule of thumb for maintaining my prescribed level of FC? Should I adding a little bleach every day....a moderate amount every couple days? Or - do I test every day and add as appropriate? Could I test/add every 2-3 days?
It is best for you to test/add every day until you know your pool. Then you may get away with just adding every day and testing every other day. But for now, both each day.
It is best to chlorinate daily. I would test daily for a week or so until you understand what your daily chlorine demand will be. After that weekly test would be fine.
For example, During the summer heat I know that I will lose 2 ppm FC daily and dose daily to bring it back up. I test on Saturday morning to verify that everything is stable. Usually have to make slight adjustment to ph weekly (my ph increases about .4 weekly).
It is that simple!
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