Lets hear your pool critter stories.

The first year with our pool (4 years ago) I found 11 dead chipmunks over the course of the season. When I got a mesh safety fence installed, it seemed to get better. I found one this morning which was the first one this year.

The biggest problem I have with the chipmunks is they dig tunnels under my pattio around the pool. I've tried all means of getting rid of them short of trapping.

You can get the humane traps for those things or call the city. They may be able to help you with that problem.

We have squirrels and I stuck a Wood Owl out there. Funny thing, I watched one go in my yard until he seen that owel. The thing jumped strait in the air.

I have one that I thought would be interesting. We have some large rabits, so I put chicken wire fense around the outside of my regular fence. The other day, one still got in and I was watching it outside my window when a hawk came swooping down and grabbed it! That was probably the most amazing way to git ride of a critter! Wish I would of had a camera on that one!
Last season we had a few field mice and a couple small voles. My wife tried to scoop a swimming mouse using the leaf skimmer on a fully extended pole and sent it about 50 feet. It died on impact, but was quite a site to see. So far this season we have had an assortment of bugs and worms. (knock on wood)
We've had a dead chipmunk and squirrel.

The most interesting though was when we were draining our pool last fall. The shallow end was drained, walked out one morning to find a possum sitting on the bottom step of the ladder.

Suited up with about 5 layers of clothing and heavy work gloves and lifted it out, but it wasn't a problem.

On a more somber note, there was a similar thread like this a year ago that was ended by someone who found their neighbour's son at the bottom of the pool chained to some concrete, in a successful suicide.
Rob said:
On a more somber note, there was a similar thread like this a year ago that was ended by someone who found their neighbour's son at the bottom of the pool chained to some concrete, in a successful suicide.

That's horrible.

Can anyone identify THIS!!!!!! :shock:


It's about 3-4 feet long.

Unfortunately, my wife caught me with the shovel before I could get rid of it without her knowing!

Gonna be a sleepless night :cry:
Maybe this?

I am so glad you didn't kill it!!!

I am definitely not an expert on snakes from your part of the country, but from the picture it looks like it might be a diamondback water snake. If it is, then it is completely harmless, but they do like water.

I will attempt to post a couple of links for you to check out.

Do any of these look like it to you?

http://www.houstonherp.com/DiamondbackWS.html (Includes a written description too.)


Edited for spelling :oops:

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Re: Maybe this?

Anemone said:
Do any of these look like it to you?

Yes, exactly! and as far as my wife is concerned, THAT is exactly what it is, a harmless diamonback watersnake :wink:

Thanks for the links.

Although, I wish they would have named it something else. Having "diamondback" and "watersnake" in the same name seems doubly dangerous.

Not my pool of course, but came across this (and other moose-in-pool pictures); was just too hilarious not to share.

Trying to imagine the post that would accompany this: "Hi ive got a problem with my 50 gal rubber inflatable kiddie pool. i ordered a test kit but until it gets here, all i know is water seems is clear but theres something blocking water flow out of the hose i think it might have got stuck under this moose. how much FC or bleach is needed to clear moose from water pls help!!!!!!!!!"
Someone in an earlier post said not to stick your hand where you can't see.
I was swimming in the pool and decided to check the skimmer.
I swam over to it and tried to take off the cover but it was hot and the concrete must have expanded so I couldn't get it off.
Normally sticking my hand in any type of hole that I can't see into freaks me out. But I told myself, what could possibly be in there?
So I reached in and quickly with force banged up on the skimmer cover.

Freakin dead bunny all squishing on my hand! :shock: Freaked me the heck out.

I have never tried that since and there has never been another dead animal in the skimmer since.
Hope I'm not dumb enough to build up my nerve again...
Well, other than a some dead frogs, a couple of bloated squirrels (YUK) the scariest thing I found in the i/g pool was a scarlet king snake(though I didn't know it at the time) I thought it was a coral snake at first! I discovered it as I was reaching my hand into the skimmer to pull out the basket. It was full of leaves and the snake just happened to twirl around in the leaves. Talk about scared!

That's why I love my AGP. Don't have to worry about critters. At least not yet,LOL
Yep Laura I have had the Scarlet King snake/Coral snake scare! Freaked me out! Last night I got in the pool after being out of town for the weekend. I was sitting there in the water and began to think. Man I might need to check the skimmers. Low and behold I found a small brown snake swimming for all he was worth after I pulled the basket out. Unfortunately for him, he got the ride of his life to the pump basket before we could get him out.
Toads, toads and toads

We haven't yet been in it...but extracted about a dozen toads in 2 days.
First I rescued the poor brown toads trapped swimming in the pool as the dogs chased it around the edge of the pool.
Second time, I again rescued another one.
Today 5 dead ones in skimmer, and 3 more live ones.
Shocking it today and adding chemicals...maybe that will discourage them?

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