Leak in Above ground Vinyl liner pool

Mar 24, 2013
I have a Dough Boy above ground pool that I dug into the ground . I took the cover off and discovered the water down 2 feet . I have a leak somewhere in the the liner but have no idea where. I've drained the rest of the water from the pool trying to find it with no luck .Wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to find it . I assume it's in a seam, that's why I don't see it. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Mike SAM_0482.JPG
Looks like my pool, Copper Canyon?
Are you located where the water freezes solid in the winter and its just now thawing? how old is the pool? my pool leaked after 2-3 yr, had a seam leak
Doughboy said my chlorine was too high, and not at 2ppm so not covered. That was a fight with them. I lost
Should have left water in pool until the level drop stopped, if you still have a few inches of water see if it leaks out then you have a floor leak. My seam leak was easy to find, if they start to loosen it seperates fast.
I assume nothing was running and you just took the cover off, which cover must have sunk down a ways into pool?
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I'm in Southern Oregon , Doesn't get cold enough to freeze solid . I drain it below the skimmer in the fall before winter . It's pretty much drained right now , I did some investigating today and found 4 small tears about the size of the top of your finger nail . I'll patch them and them try the dye trick.
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