Leak 2 Months After Closing Pool ?

Apr 3, 2008
Hi everyone

We closed our above ground pool (16 x 32 oval) in September and just this past week we noticed that it seems like the winter cover is really really low. I'm worried there's a leak somehow in the pool and am not sure what to do. We just had our first frost thisw week too. I know if this was during the summer we could just let it leak until the leak stopped and we'd be able to say that it was somewhere on the wall where the water stopped leaking. Few questions .

1). Considering the temperature and the pain of having to remove the cover and get a person out in here in the cold, could i just let it drain out (even if the leak was not on the wall) ?
2) How does a tech even find the leak at this point without any clue where the leak is. Are they gonna have to go in there with a wet suit and scuba gear to hunt around (also worried the water might be crystal clear making it that much harder to see)

Thanks to everyone ahead of time for your insight.

I believe the above ground pool should not sit all winter long without water. The pool could collapse. Exactly how you described in your post is how to detect the leak. Take the cover off and allow the water leak to keep going. If the pool is empty, then the leak is on the floor liner. If the leak stops on the walls, then it is on the walls. Your liner can be patched where the leak is. You just have to find it. My walls are galvanized steel. If there is a cut in the wall (only wall), the liner starts to show a stain (usually rush). Then it must be patched.

I had 2 cuts. One just showed up out of nowhere. I believe it was the stress during installation somewhere and was patched up by the pool company under warranty when I paid for the closing (first year only). Second cut was the pool company again (long story). Now no more pool companies and luckily no more tears in the liner. Thanks!
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