
Bronze Supporter
Feb 9, 2018
Jacksonville, FL
Help. My husband and I are back and forth on Pavers or Kool Deck. I love the way pavers look, but not so much how they feel. My neighbors have had a few pools in their lifetime and suggested kool deck all the way because the pavers here in Florida get so hot in the summer. I feel like Kool Deck looks like unfinished concrete esp since I am more attracted to the grey color scheme. Anyway. Thoughts?
What type of pavers and whats the cost difference between the two from your builder?

My experience here in Arizona is that kool deck is definitely cooler than pavers, although still too hot to really stand on for any period of time which somewhat mitigates the difference. But we're talking about 115 degree days here, perhaps the difference in FL would be more noticeable since the increased humidity wouldn't translate to heating the deck as much.
I too dislike the look of Kool Deck, but it's the only thing that's cool enough to stand on comfortably for most of the year around here. As mentioned above, even Kool Deck gets too hot to be comfortable when temps get over ~110° here, but anything else would be uncomfortable for most of the summer. I'm not really sure how that translates to the humid heat where you're at though.
What type of pavers and whats the cost difference between the two from your builder?

My experience here in Arizona is that kool deck is definitely cooler than pavers, although still too hot to really stand on for any period of time which somewhat mitigates the difference. But we're talking about 115 degree days here, perhaps the difference in FL would be more noticeable since the increased humidity wouldn't translate to heating the deck as much.

The price is the same for the kool deck and pavers. They aren't anything fancy just basic pavers. I guess I could look into tavertine but my guess is that will be a big upcharge.
Have you looked into acryic deck coatings? They can be made to look like regular kool deck, flagstone, brick/pavers and other finishes. The acrylic deck will be a couple degrees warmer than regular koo deck, but no where near as hot as uncoated concrete or pavers.

I believe there are a few coatings out there that "claim" to reduce heat buildup better than others.
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