Just had SWG installed and have a couple of questions


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Jun 21, 2010
Uxbridge, MA
I've always had a metal problem that Metal Magic will take care of most of the time for me. I usually have to treat the pool once a year or so, and I do a monthly maintenance according to the directions on the bottle. It has always worked great for me.

With the addition of a new SWG (never had one before), is there anything I should do differently?

Also - every couple of years I've been doing a complete AA treatment. Same question - what about doing that with my new SWG?
MM should be compatible with an SWG. I did an MM treatment this spring and my SWG didn't seem to be affected.

As to the AA treatment.. AA will consume your FC, that is why it is recommended to bring your FC down, it will just react with the AA. So in similar fashion, make sure you turn off your SWG when you start prepping for your AA treatment.
MM should be compatible with an SWG. I did an MM treatment this spring and my SWG didn't seem to be affected.

As to the AA treatment.. AA will consume your FC, that is why it is recommended to bring your FC down, it will just react with the AA. So in similar fashion, make sure you turn off your SWG when you start prepping for your AA treatment.
Thank you for your quick and informative response. Looks like neither chemical will adversely affect my SWG then.
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