JandyColors light is dying,


Jul 3, 2015
Jackson, NJ
End of the last season my blue/green lights quit, I was left with white and purple.
This season it does not even start; I turned the breaker on/off; it then started, but the next day wouldn't again.

Now, I have several options:

1. Try to repair it myself. I am an EE, but this requires specific experience, so this won't help much unless the repair is simple.
Q: has anyone tried to repair those, how involved is it? I understand, after the breakers are off, the water doesn't need to be drained to take it out.
2. Hire someone. The pool was built by the Seasonal World. They quoted me the Hayward system, it is prohibitive.
Q: does anyone know, will it go in the same niche as the JandY?
3. I have the manual, but it does not list exact model of what I have.
4. Would it make sense to go for LED fixture from either Jandy or Hayward? How do they compare?

Update: checked the breaker output and the toggle switch, all is fine, the 110V is where it's supposed to be.
How old is it? Everything can be fixed with enough time and money the question is it worth either? I have the Jandy LED Watercolors and love them. I would/will get them again when mine die. They are pricey however. I think the niche's are standard so most lights designed for a wet niche should fit.

I think they just screw out of the niche and the installer should have left enough line to bring them up to the deck surface. Once there, you open it up and replace or fix.
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