Jandy Auquapure error 145, H.H. salinity, and service light


New member
May 24, 2023
Had this since i opend the pool since then ive tested the water only 1800 ppm so its actually low so i added salt replaced the salt cell and still no change it wont even let me try to calibrate it just stays locked on H.H. everything else seems to be working just fine only thing i can find is replacing the display which makes no sense at all or the tri sensor but there are different codes for that which i should be getting if that were to problem so im at a loss please help
You said you replaced the cell. But salt is measured by the tri-sensor: the plug with wires. They can go bad.

Also, how did you measure salt? If it wasn't Taylor's K-1766 test kit, you probably shouldn't trust it.
Thanks for all your replys ive looked through all the jandy info i think tells me what i already know my hiccup is the code i have doesnt mesh with what i have if i had a bad sensor code id feel more comfortable but i used 2 seperate digital pool water testers my neighbor had also had my water tested at the local pool store the day prior all readings were within 200 ppm of each other putting them right around the 1800ppm should be 3000-3400ppm normally, i replaced the cell becuase it needed it regardless of it being the problem it was 7 years old and upon recieving the new cell noticed it was missing the center blade. I just bought a new tri sensor $140 shipped couldnt beat it should be here in a few days ill update when i have the sensor installed.
So i replaced the trisensor still getting the same codes no change now im going to replace the Power Interface Circuitboard....another $200..... these error codes are worthless because theyre not telling me the actual problem and now ive replaced half of my equipment. so well see stay tuned.
When you replace a Jandy cell you should also replace the cord.
I replaced the Power Control board and all is right with the world again wish the error code i got actaully reflected something close to that instead of salinity but im done with it for now thanks for all the advice. and if anyone has any questions feel free to reach out
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