I've got a clear/cloudy pool - and all the numbers

If you dumped in 3 gallons, your FC is now around 30. Please stop this as you are liable to be doing as much harm as good.

Clearing up your pool is not about dumping in a lot of bleach all at once. It is about adding in a measured amount to reach a prescribed shock level (10 for you, if your CYA is really under 20), then repeating, hourly if possible. You have to keep repeating this test until you meet 3 criteria, one of which is clear water. You'll need a FAS-DPD kit to test the other 2 criteria. This could take days or weeks.

In one post you mentioned a floater. Have you been using the trichlor tablets/pucks? Are they the large 3" size? Do you know how many of them you have used this year? If you estimate each tab to be 8oz, each one has added about 5ppm CYA to your pool. I've seen them range from 7-10oz, so that could be 4-7 ppm CYA for each puck. If you can tell us how many pucks and what they weigh, we can calculate what your CYA should be, assuming it was zero at the start. If your CYA is actually really high, the 3 gallons of bleach may not have been that much over what you needed. (If your pucks were cal-hypo, they have not added CYA, but would have added CH.)

Please continue to study the shocking process:
"The Shock Process

Shocking the pool will eliminate algae, combined chlorine (CC), and any other organic contamination. If you have algae, or the CC level is above 0.5, or the free chlorine (FC) level is zero, you should shock the pool. Many people also like to shock the pool when the FC level falls significantly, as it often does after a major storm or large swim party. This is done even if FC doesn't get all the way to zero, just to be sure everything is all right. If you are maintaining proper FC levels there is no need to shock weekly, or on any other regular schedule.

To shock, it is a huge help to have a FAS-DPD chlorine test. You also need to know your current CYA level, and then look up the corresponding FC shock level. You can use the The Chlorine/CYA Chart at Pool School to find the correct FC shock level for your CYA level. It is best to use bleach or liquid chlorine when shocking.

Measure the FC level

Add enough chlorine to bring FC up to shock level (or a little higher)

Repeat steps 1 and 2 as frequently as practical, but not more than once per hour, and not less than twice a day, until:
CC is 0.5 or lower;

An overnight FC loss test shows a loss of 1.0 ppm or less;

And the water is clear.

Brush the entire pool once a day

Backwash or clean the filter as needed

Depending on what kind of filter you have, it can take the filter a week or more to completely clear up the water, even after all of the algae is dead. DE filters are usually much faster than that, but require frequent attention when cleaning up algae. Sand filters are the slowest, and cartridge filters are somewhere in-between.

While shocking, the appearance of the water should improve each day, though perhaps only by a little. If you fail to see any improvement you might have a problem with your filter, or have a higher CYA level than you think, or bad circulation, or have some other more complex problem.

The goal of shocking is to add enough chlorine to oxidize all of the algae, combined chlorine, bacteria, viruses, ammonia, and other organic contaminates. Oxidization breaks down the organic molecules into smaller parts which are harmless. When shocking, you need to keep adding chlorine until the breakdown process is complete.

Higher FC levels will oxidize contaminates more quickly, but levels that are too high can cause damage to the pool or the pool equipment. Recommended shock levels are designed to break down contaminates reasonably quickly while posing minimal risk to the pool. It is impossible to know in advance just how much chlorine will be required to shock the pool. Instead, chlorine is added to maintain shock level until testing shows that the process is complete.

If you have a salt water chlorine generator, chlorine tablet dispenser, or Liquidator, you will still need to use another chlorine source for shocking. All of these devices are designed to add chlorine slowly and steadily over many hours. To kill algae or lower CC, you need to put in lots of chlorine all at once. The SWG, tablet dispenser, or Liquidator can be very helpful in the follow up stages to maintain FC at shock level, but for the initial couple of chlorine applications, you need to use another chlorine source."

"Perform the Overnight FC Loss Test (OCLT)

The purpose of the overnight FC test (OCLT) is to determine if you have living algae, or other organic contaminates, in your water. If you do, you need to shock, or continue shocking, the pool.

Chlorine is consumed by two things: sunlight and breaking down organic contamination in your pool. By testing at night, we rule out sunlight. If chlorine is still being used up, it must be because of algae or other organic contaminates in the pool.

Of the common chlorine tests, this test can only be done with the FAS-DPD test. Test strips, and the OTO and DPD tests, do not have enough precision to determine if small amounts of chlorine are being consumed.

To perform the overnight FC loss test:

If you have an SWG, tablet chlorinator, or other chlorine feeder, shut it off completely.

After the sun goes down, and at least 30 minutes after your last chemical addition of the day, test your water for FC using the FAS-DPD test.

Record that result. Do not put any more chlorine in your pool.

The next morning, as early as practical and definitely before there is any direct sunlight on the pool, perform the FAS-DPD FC test again and record the results.

If your FC level remained the same, or went down by 1.0 or less, the water is clean. There isn't any living algae or other organic contamination in the pool.

If you lost more than 1.0 ppm of FC, then there is something in the water that needs to be removed and you should shock, or continue shocking, the pool."
hollywoodtoday said:
aa, you think I should lower the cya to 20? 2 days ago the cya was 60.
techguy, that kit sounds like it did you some good.

Something I should add is, my pool sits mostly out in the open sun, but about 20ft away are massive eucalyptus trees. These trees seasonally have little white puffy balls on them. Basically all eucalyptus trees in cali have these at some time. They're little aphids or tree lice. I believe they eat the leafs then poop out these white balls, then these balls and leaves fall into my beautiful pool. They may be causing some of my trouble too. What do you think?

any more tips?

When did you post that your CYA was 60? You said that your TA was around 60, but you thought your CYA was very low.

hollywoodtoday said:
CYA=less than 30ppm, it was hard to tell in the jar, but cya is probably 5ppm
CYA should be 20-50ppm

hollywoodtoday said:
The CYA test said to fill the jar with the mixture untill I couldn't see the black dot at the bottom. I filled it up to the 30ppm and could still see the black dot quite well. So I estimated that my cya could be 5-10ppm.
You're right, my CYA is like 5-10ppm.

I've been using the tiny 1 incher tablet in my floaty. I've probably disolved 8, 1 incher chlorine tablets in the pool.

Hey aa, you have the same pool as I do, or close. I've got the intex-18x48

btw, I still need to read your full post carefully. I really appreciate your advice, I'm busy atm, but will read it totally shortly.
hollywoodtoday said:
You're right, my CYA is like 5-10ppm.

I've been using the tiny 1 incher tablet in my floaty. I've probably disolved 8, 1 incher chlorine tablets in the pool.

Hey aa, you have the same pool as I do, or close. I've got the intex-18x48

btw, I still need to read your full post carefully.

Ok. I know everything tends to jumble together at first. It gets much easier with practice.

I used the 1" tabs to supplement my CYA at first, so I know them well. Each one weighs 0.5oz. 8 of them would have your CYA around 3. You are going to need more CYA! Shocking is easier at a low CYA, but it needs to be enough to hold onto the chlorine during the day. 20 will be a good number to start with during the shocking process. I am full sun, 100+ temps, so I have mine closer to 50 now and lose about 3 FC per day.

Based on your gallons, I am assuming you have a frame pool. Mine has the air up ring on top. Good starter size.

Read things over a few times, and be sure to come back to this thread and post any questions. Also, I think a lot of knowledge can be gained by going back to earlier posts where someone was shocking a pool and completed it. You can see all they did, what questions they had, and maybe even learn from their mistakes!

We're here to help!
Allison, great post!

Hollywood, this is all great advice... I have to sign off for a few days but will check back to see how you make out... All the above is excellent advice... Hope you will follow it, consqs are more or prolonged probs, good luck!
Yes, thanks a bunch. I'll be reading that big post thoroughly.

This morning my PH is 7.2 still
After about 45 hours from dumping the 6% bleach in, my Chlorine has dropped from 20-30ppm down to 8ppm. I added a few cups to bring the cl ppm back up a little, and Ill continue to do that untill the pool is clear. Then Ill hop in!

The pool is MUCH clearer thanks to the bleach shocking idea.

I def need that test kit, it'll be here soon enough and Ill be able to test the CC. BTW, my 1 inchers are trichlor chlorine.

Yes, I have the framed intex 18x48, I did have the blow up right a few years ago.

What chlorine ppm do you usually like to keep it at, since you have similar weather. We have 100+ about everyday, no rain, full sun.

You keep your CYA around 50, what do you prefer for CL? 3-6ppm? Which do you think ideal?

And good to know, a single 1 incher can provide 3 cya. They're actually about disolved now. So the pool isn't receiving much FC at all the last 48 hours or so, other than that 3 gallons of bleach. I suppose I should add some more 1 inchers.

btw, so I def need to keep up this bleaching until the clarity is perfect, right? I just need to measure it out using a pool calculator. If I keep the pools cl at 10ppm everyday, each day it will get better. ok, sounds good. Ill grab some more bleach and measure. oooo, I just tried that pool calculator to figure bleach amount, it's a good calculator!

btw, my highest water temp is usually about 85, from 12-8pm or so. Is that the same for some of you guys?

Heres some pics today Aug 2, 2012. The pictures below were taken about 45 hours after I dumped 3 gallons of 6% bleach in. It may not look much different than the pictures above, but I can see the clarity has improved-->



just a pic of my lil pump and side of intex 18x48. It's a fine pool for a few people
And at the bottom, you can see my jug of tablets. Those are 1 inchers. Its the trichlor stuff.

Thanks guys, you've made our family happy again.
Sounds like you are doing better.

I don't think I was very clear on the CYA and tabs. Combined, all 8 tabs total, have provided you with about 3 CYA. You need about 3 of the 1" tabs to get 1 ppm CYA. Obviously this is a very SLOWWW method of adding CYA and is not recommended. I used them because I only had 2 cups of CYA (stabilizer left). That brought me up to about 20. I had a 1.5 lb container of the 1" tabs on hand, so I used that (about 8 of them in the floater at a time) to raise my CYA up another 18. This got me close to 40. I wanted my CYA to be a bit higher, so I used 1 of the 3" tabs and it raised me up another 6 or so. I'm sitting between 45 and 50 now.

To be safe, I use the recommended numbers for 50 CYA. This means that I can never let me FC fall below 4ppm. In fact, I try not to let it fall below 5-6. Each evening I add enough chlorine to raise my FC by 3, which is around 4 cups for me. (Would be around 5 cups for you.) Every few days I take a more precise measurement and if needed, throw in an extra cup or two of bleach if I am down at 4.

Shocking is easier at 20 ppm FC. I'd suggest trying to get your CYA up to that level ASAP. Without it, you are losing most of your chlorine to the sun. For your pool, you would need to add about 1.5 lbs of stabilizer to go from 5 to 20. (Put it in a sock and tie it off in front of a return. Squeeze occasionally to dissolve.) I'd save my tablets for times when you were going to be gone. Once your pool is clean and you are done shocking, you'll need to add more stabilizer to reach 30-50.

My recommendation would be to add 1.5 lbs of stabilizer and try to keep my FC at 10-11 to get the remaining "stuff" killed. Algae is relentless and each time you drop below shock level, it may be coming back. You'll need to stay at shock level until all the algae has been killed and filtered out.
That was a great post.

I will try to raise my CYA to 20ppm using tablets and stabilizer.
I will also keep my CL at 10ppm untill the pool is beautiful, or if the CC test comes, Ill check precisely.
Then once the CC test shows little change and the water is clear, Ill bring the CL back to 5-6ppm.

What about the CYA, if I were consistently using my trichlor tablets, dont those tabs raise my cya? If the tabs raise my cya, then would I have to stop using the floaty? Or do I put a different kind of chlorine in? Would I take the floaty out and only use measured bleach daily instead?

Do you use a floaty regularly? Or do you just keep the free chlorine up by adding bleach daily?
Yes, the tabs raise your CYA. Most on here that use them at all use them a bit at the beginning of the season or while on vacation, but not for everyday daily use. I have a floater and a bucket of tabs stored away, but I won't get them out unless I am going to be gone more than two days or my CYA falls due to splashout. (Your CYA won't go down due to evaporation - only to splashout.) I don't have too much actual "splashout", but I am not patient enough to let the floaties fully drain before tossing them out of the pool, so that, plus what staying with our swimsuits, is where my CYA loss occurs.

All of my daily care is with bleach. I use the plain great value bleach. A 182 ounce jug lasts me about 4-5 days, so I buy two at a time. I leave one out by the pool and store the other one inside. Bleach does degrade, but too much in that amount of time. I'll often be a bit more generous in my measurements as I get near the bottom of the bottle to compensate.
Gotcha, it's looking pretty good.

Unfortunately the family doesn't want to wait a few more days for a super clear pool, so I've dropped the chlorine back to 5ppm or so. Now everybody can swim.

The pool is better than it was thanks to the advice from you and everybody else, thanks. Next year I will certainly have an advantage.

And when that kit comes, hopefully it will. I'll come back with some results and what not. And some pics.

Thanks Techguy for suggested this http://tftestkits.net/FAS-DPD-Chlorine- ... t-p47.html, I grabbed it last week, hopefully it'll show up. :)


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Hey guys, I ordered the fc/cc kit from TFTestKits.net.

I think they sent me the wrong stuff. I got three containers
They sent:
R-0013 CYA reagent
R-003 DPD reagent
R-0870 DPD Powder

They should have sent me:
R-0871 DPD Chlorine Test
R-003 DPD reagent
R-0870 DPD Powder

So, I got the CYA reagent instead of the DPD Chlorine test, that's the problem. Is this how it's suppose to be?

They should have sent me-->http://tftestkits.net/FAS-DPD-Chlorine-CC-s-test-p47.html
but they replaced the DPD chlorine test bottle with this-->http://tftestkits.net/R-0013-2-CYA-Reagent-for-TF-100-and-K-2006-p42.html

Is this correct? I tried testing, but it's confusing with the different bottles.

I'm going to call them in an hour --919-528-1454.

I did leave a message, but I'll send them an email. I told them I don't mind paying for it, I just want the bottle.

BTW, you guys rock my world, my pool is looking beautiful. I'm staying consistent with the maintenance too.

thanks guys
hollywoodtoday said:
Something I should add is, my pool sits mostly out in the open sun, but about 20ft away are massive eucalyptus trees. These trees seasonally have little white puffy balls on them. Basically all eucalyptus trees in cali have these at some time. They're little aphids or tree lice. I believe they eat the leafs then poop out these white balls, then these balls and leaves fall into my beautiful pool. They may be causing some of my trouble too. What do you think?

any more tips?

The eucalyptus in my horses' pasture have the same little, sticky dots you mentioned. They make a heck of an ugly, sticky mess when they melt on my horses. I researched them to know they at least weren't toxic or harmful to them. They're not harmful ... the Aborigines use them for sweetener. Though, not sure they would be too sweet in a pool?

The dots are from Lerp Psyllids and are often called "honeydew".
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