It is 15 million degrees outside - and I’m replumbing

Holy cow, we had a heck of a storm this afternoon. Power flickered three times, and I had to go dump about 4 or 5 inches of water out of the pool. I just basically opened up the ball valve underneath the skimmer and let it flow. It’s still at top of skimmer but I have to let the soil absorb before I drain any more.

Where was all this water when I had to refill after draining below skimmer??
My power is now flickering. Thanks, Kelly, for sending it over this direction… 😒
I've started no less than 10 projects this summer where around a half hour into it I said, "It's too hot for this". I just try and hydrate, take frequent breaks to sit in the shade (I'm not on anyone's clock but my own), and just enjoy the time outside as much as the thermometer will allow.
Yeah, you guys stole the first few weeks of our rainy season, but we are catching up with a vengeance now!
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