Is my Intellichlor IC40 dead?

So I have had my pool now for 3 years. It is a salt pool with an Intellichlor IC40. This year I had a problem with the flow switch. It never registered flow, so I bought a new flow switch. Installed it, and everything was fine for exactly one day. The next day, same thing, red light on flow, and the Good, low lights alternating. Figure maybe I had a bad switch, so I returned it and got another one. This one never functioned at all. Never registers flow (Red Light), and the "Good" and "low" lights just alternate. At this point I don't think the switch is the problem, but rather something else...

Is there anything else to try? Or is it dead in the water?
This video describes twisting together the red and black wires to bypass the flow switch and test if the cell is good -

This video points out that the supplied connectors don't always work properly and wire nuts were used instead -

I second Allen's suggestion on shorting the wires to troubleshoot the problem...

But.... don't get tempted to leave them shorted as cells have exploded when allowed to make chlorine without the pump running...


Jim R.

The alternating lights happen whenever you fire up an IC40.... it is part of a calibration process. But I don't believe it can perform the cal routine unless it has flow first..

Just to make sure... you shorted the two wires that go back into the IC40 and not the two wired coming out of the flow switch.. is that correct???


Jim R.
I guess it's dead, which really sucks because it isn't even close to its max run time. Any recommendations on a replacement? The new ichlor has a direct replacement that can use the same power supply and no new plumbing... Or should I just replace it with another intellichlor? I don't want to be here again due to a bad designed switch/device.
I have had a few different brands of SWG over the years. They all have their issues. The Pentair SWG seem to be as good as any. I would replace my IC40 with an IC60 cell when time comes. It is a bit more money but you will set it to run less time so it should last longer. At least that is the idea.
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