Intellichlor IC40 cold water shutoff issue - please help


Mar 28, 2022
Anderson, SC
We have had our pool for seven years but this is my first time posting.

Water temperature is 63F and salt cell is still in cold water shutoff. When I run the diagnostic mode:
RED light for low salt comes on
GREEN light for cold water comes on
GREEN light for cell condition good comes on

What does this light combo mean? My pool installer is telling me they need to replace the salt cell of course.

Any is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

Hey Josh and Welcome !!!

Sounds like you have low salt after a long and wet off season. Get a K1766 test kit for better accuracy than the unit or pool store. (35$ ? And you should have it anyway)

7 years is a good run for a SWG but lets see what the salt level is first.

Also, please click the link and fill out all your pool details, equipment and model #s. It helps us not have to ask questions about your questions. Such as, which SWG do you have ? :)
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I assume that when not in any diagnostic mode, that the only light on is just the cold water cut off light.

The IC40 has its own water temp sensor, inside the flow switch assy. I suspect that your flow sensor is bad.

If you are going to replace the flow switch anyway, you can just cut the green and white wires going from the flow switch assy and the cell itself. When you cut the wires, the cell will use a fixed resistor inside the cell. Reboot the system and if the cold-water light is off, you will know for sure that the flow switch needs to be replaced.


Jim R.
Guys, just curious here. So I cut green and white wires - and the salt generator shows that it is running (set to 50%) but there is Zero chlorine in my pool. Is the SWG actually making chlorine without the flow switch working or does the whole unit need replaced? Just want to know before I buy the flow switch or whether I should just replace the whole thing.
My IC40 produces tiny bubbles of hydrogen. My SWG is close enough to my pool where I can see the little bubbles coming out of my returns. So I can always easily confirm when my SWG is producing or not. Have you ever seen such bubbles? And do you see them now? They would only occur when the "CELL" LED is lit.

Also, IntelliChlors have a self test that reveals how many hours they've been producing. After seven years, your cell might be done. You only get about 10K hours. Older models don't have this test, but it's worth a try. From the manual:

IntelliChlor SCG Usage Hours Meter

The IntelliChlor® SCG provides a built-in cell “usage hours” meter that reports how many hours IntelliChlor has been operating. The IntelliChlor SCG is designed to operate for approximately 10,000 hours before replacement is needed or roughly five (5) years of average use.
To access the system status mode:
  1. Press and hold the MORE button for three (3) seconds until the lights scroll across the unit.
  2. One (1) of the five (5) Sanitizer Output LED indicators (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) will be lit,
    indicating the hours of usage. The Output LEDs are as follows:
    • 2000 hours (20% LED on)
    • 4000 hours (40% LED on)
    • 6000 hours (60% LED on)
    • 8000 hours (80% LED on)
    • 10,000 hours (100% LED on)
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You cut the Green and White wires, which go a thermistor inside the Flow Switch Assembly.. The two wires you did not cut, Red and Black, are the ones going to the actual flow switch.

The cell will not work at all without the flow switch working.


Jim R.
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