Instructions for refilling SWG Pool


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Bronze Supporter
Jun 28, 2016
Blairsville GA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Core-15
We are within a week or two (depending on temp and rain) of having a new liner installed. I've looked around TFP and have found bits and pieces of the start up procedures on the forums, but can't seem to find an article that lays out the steps on adding CYA, liquid chlorine, etc. We will be having a water company deliver and fill to 4" in the shallow end. Then, the installer will leave their vacuum bags and come back to remove. I'd appreciate any links or insight! Much thanks!
Following because I have the exact same scenario. Have about 12” more to go before I turn off the hose. I’m in MN so it’s too cold to start heating (well, for my budget anyway). Is there an order I add stuff? I was thinking I’d start with the salt, then cya, then chlorine.
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