Installed new Polaris PB4-60 Booster pump today - Now it won't shut off

Clear Lake Chris

New member
Apr 1, 2024
Clear Lake Texas
Hi All! New to the forum.

I just replaced an old booster pump that died on me with a brand new Polaris PB4-60. Install went easy. When I turned the breakers back on to the system the new booster pump fired up even though it wasn't scheduled to be on via the timer. I tried to manually press the Aux 1 button to turn it off and it wouldn't turn off. So I manually started up the main pool pump and let them both run for a while. I went back through the timer settings to see if anything was a miss and it all looked normal. I tried turning it off again manually with no luck, so I ended up just flipping the breaker back off. Any suggestions to what it might be? Did I get a connector in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance.
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