Inground Pool with Above Ground Return Line


TFP Expert
In The Industry
Jun 12, 2009
Exeter, PA
This pool is in need of a new liner and a prior pool guy replaced a damaged return line and used an above ground wall fitting. The problem is when you go to change a liner in an above ground you can unscrew the large nut on the back of the assembly (which is now buried) to remove it to install a new liner. You can see how this is a problem now that you can no longer access the nut buried under concrete.

How would you go about making this work for a new liner?

I have a few ideas of my own, but would definitely like to hear some suggestions or ideas.


  • AG_return_in_IG.jpg
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Hi, Kevin,

That's a big hassle!!

1. Eliminate the return by destroying from the face side of the pool and plugging it with epoxy and installing new liner over it.

2. Dig it up from the back and put a correct one in. That would be one big job as it obviously is too high as well and, of course, you can never match the concrete.

I see no really clever solutions.
I am assuming the eye screws into the fitting. Could you perhaps remove the eye and using pvc glue on the threads, screw and glue in a length of pvc long enough to grasp easily with a large vise grip and unscrew the fitting that way?
I would use an internal pipe wrench to grab the internals so you can remove the pool side fittings. Here is what they look like, it uses a cammed toothed wheel that is offset so that when it is rotated it grabs the pipe from inside. Most tool supply stores or lumber supply stores that sell plumbing supplies have them.


I use them primarily to remove broken short nipples from equipment I repair, very handy tool to have in the tool box...beware there are cheap china made versions out there that are OK for plastic pipe but not so great for steel or stainless pipe.
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