In The Industry
Apr 18, 2024
Question 1

Using the key pad I can change the speed and save. However On the next the next start up it reverts to the original program. I believe there may have been a pin lock when originally installed. I can save $300 a year running at a slower speed. HELP

Question 2ut the

The display is blank The pump continues to function normally. If I replace the top will that cure my problem? Is there a source that repairs these units? Will the pump function with out the keypad?
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Welcome to TFP.
Not sure exactly what pump you have - seems to be mixed terminology for Pentair. However, the pump needs to be OFF when establishing a new program schedule. Instructions state to turn pump off then press 1 to start programming. A VS pump should be connected to constant power which allows the keypad to be active even if pump is OFF.

However, if display is now blank, check the connection from the keypad to the pump. The pump will run whatever schedule is programmed but unable to change it. If the pump was connected to automation system with RS485 cable then may be able to change programs.